I Like the Drummer

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(B/F)= Best friend
(O/B/F)= Other best friend

Second Person

You were heading over to your friend's house for your band practice as usual. (B/F) was a singer, (O/B/F) was a guitarist, you were a drummer; you have red and black duct taped drumsticks and your drum set was mostly black and silver. Let's be honest, you never grew out of your emo phase and you lo- are obsessed with Twenty One Pilots. You had merch and everything, you especially loved Josh Dun, he inspired you to start drumming and start a band.

Anyway, you were wearing a pair of black jeans, a band tee, black kombat boots and just let your down. You twirl your drumsticks in your hands and pretend drumming to a Twenty One Pilots song. You arrive just in time because your setup is finished, you walk to your friends and give them both fist bumps.

"You guys are awesome." You said, sitting down on your chair by your drumset.

"Yeah, we know." (B/F) said whilst (O/B/F) was giggling and tuning her guitar. "Oh well, let's practice a Twenty One Pilots song."

Your eyes widened as she said that, she never really liked their music. "I thought you didn't like them." She shrugged.

"I guess I'm warming up to them, you never know." You were now suspicious, she ABSOLUTELY NEVER acted like this unless something was up. "I think we should do Polarize." She said while looking back at you two, both nodding. (O/B/F) started with the piano (which she also played), (B/F) started singing before you joined in with your drums. 'Keep it steady, you got this.'

"Help me polarize, help me polarize help me out. My friends and I, we got a lot of problems."

'That's true' You said to yourself and giggled a bit.

Jishwa's PoV XD

I was walking with Tyler down the streets because we were going to explore a bit around town. I started to hear a song of ours being played from one of the houses, there was a girl singing, I could tell, a pianist and a drummer. We saw that they were practicing in their garage with the door open, there was a beautiful girl on the drums who had (H/L), (H/C) hair and red and black duct taped drumsticks. From the look of it, she was emo, perfect.

"Hey Jishwa, what'cha thinking about?" Tyler nudged my arm with his elbow. "Think the drummer's pretty?" My cheeks went red when he said that. "OOOOOOHHHH!!!!"

He then started running up to where they were practicing. "Hey, Tyler! TYLER! TYLER JOSEPH GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!" The drummers head popped up when she heard that. She looked directly at me, I waved a bit. She twirled her drumsticks in response, blushing a little, they were almost done with the song.

We were standing in front of them, I was examining how she played the drums, she was biting her lip in concentration. They finished and she was a bit sweaty and pink.

"So, how are you?" I asked after she got up and got her water bottle.

"U-Uh, good. What about you?" Her face turned more red, I smiled a bit.

"Great, hearing you guys play one of my favorite songs really made my day." I nudged her shoulder.

"Really? You think we're good?" She asked, looking down at her feet and fiddling with her drumsticks.

"Yeah, you should be our opening act, we're going on tour. You can come with us." I gave a smile and kneeled do I didn't have to pull her head up to mine to look her in the eyes.

She was covering her mouth and tears brimmed her eyes. "W-what'll my family say? Are you sure it's okay?"

I gave a little chuckle, "I think they'll be proud of you, and yeah, we've been looking for an opening act for two weeks." Suddenly, to arms wrapped around me making me fall over but she didn't move, her clutch on me was tight and I hugged her back tightly.

"Thank you." She whispered, I smiled at her and kissed the top of her head.

"Thank you."

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