Chapter 16

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~Mark's PV~

My dreamland just seems to be getting weirder. It's not even really dreams anymore. It's more of memories playing in my head. Their mostly the happy ones like when I became friends with Bob and Wade. Sometimes a sad one would play but I felt no sorrow within because I knew that this was just some kind of dream. I just want this all to end. I want to wake up and be with Aaron. Something in my gut says that isn't going to happen though. I feel like I'm being carried down a river further and further away from waking up. I keep trying to fight it but it seems like no use. Suddenly, my body seemed to be moving upwards. I could tell that Aaron and the doctor was in the room.

"I'm sorry to say Aaron but its been a month and he just seems to be getting worse" The doctor's voice came out easy.

"Please wait longer. Please" I could tell Aaron was close to tears.

"Fine. If he doesn't show any signs of getting better in a week then we have to give up on him" With that the doctor made his way out of the room.

Aaron slowly made his way back to my side and held my hand. I watched as tears streamed down his face. I couldn't stand to hear him weep I raised my hand and wiped his tears away. He jumped back in shock and stares at me with wide eyes.

"NURSE! NURSE!!!" He jumps out his seat and runs out the door.

I sat there and looked around at my surroundings. The room was pretty decent and I could see flowers sitting on the shelf (probably from my fans and stuff) and then there sat a bear holding a heart which caught my eye. I look down to see myself in a hospital gowned and a white blanket covering the lower half of my body. I look at the door as Aaron and the nurse appear.

"Omg he is awake.." The nurse stares at me astonished at what she was seeing. "But that's impossible he only had a two percent chance."

Aaron's face was light up bright with happiness. He ran to me and hugged me tight and I felt as if he was never gonna let go. I begin to hug him back pulling him into the bed with me. I didn't care that the nurse was watching I kissed him deeply with all my passion. I was so scared that I was never going to see him again. I really thought I wasn't going to make it.

~Aaron's PV~

Today I actually prayed for Mark to wake up and I did my normal thing about talking to Mark. Today I had told him if he woke up I swore to him I would confess to everyone I was gay and that I only want him for the rest of my life. I also, swore that I would tell everyone what I told him while he was in a coma. When I cried and he wiped those tears away my hope and faith came back to me at once. I wanted to kiss and hug him right there but I told myself to wait and I got the nurse instead. Now we're here with the doctor as he looks over Mark to make sure there has been no damage done while he was in the coma.

"He healthy" The doctors voice sounded confused. "I don't understand it. He was so close to death and now he's awake and looking better than ever!"

Mark was sitting there smiling. His eyes were full of life and wonder. His smile melted my heart and made me want to cry with happiness. He looked so perfect. The doctor and nurse made their way out and closed the door. Mark stood and let the hospital gowned drop to the floor and I turn my back blushing as he began to get dressed. Soon he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He lightly kisses my neck sending a shiver of pleasure down my spin.

"I heard every little word you said to me while I was in the coma Aaron" my heart thudded loudly in my chest. "I missed you so much Aaron."

I slowly turn to face him but I didn't have a chance. He pushes me against the wall kissing me deeply. I could feel my knees about to give out under me. I missed his touch so badly. I throw my arms around his neck kissing him back. Our bodies presses against each others leaving no space as our kisses became deeper. A knock came on the door as we parted. The nurse came in with the paper work to sign Mark out so he could go home.

"Just sign here and you may leave" she said with a smile looking at our messy hair and how we were both breathing heavily.

I signed my signature and we made our way out hand in hand. Wade pulled up to the building. He had no idea that Mark was okay. I just told him to hurry and get to the hospital. He didn't notice Mark as he ran up to me.

"What's the problem?!?" He sounded worried and that when he looked at Mark.

I could see that Wade was close to tears as he hugged Mark. I watched as they hugged each other with a warm embrace that they knew it wouldn't be their last. Wade pulled away and smiled warmly at the both of us.

"Okay I've really been dying to see you guys kiss to know that you guys are really for each other" That made Mark and I laugh.

"Should we show him?" Mark raised an eyebrows at me.

"Why not?" I pull Mark close to me and softly planted a kiss on his lips.

"Wow" Wade stared for a moment then blushed.

I could tell he felt slightly uncomfortable. We slowly made out way into Wade's car and headed to Mark's home. As soon as we got there we ordered pizza. We sat down at the table and chatted about how we were gonna do a live stream and show everyone Mark was okay and that him and I were a couple now. Of course Wade was gonna join us on the live stream and we were hoping Bob would join too. I made my way to the door after hearing a knock and paid for the pizza. We ate in silence which actually wasn't that bad. It was pretty late and decided to do the live stream tomorrow. We said our goodbyes to Wade and watch him drive away. Mark went to the bathroom to shower as I walked to Mark's room and stripped into my boxers and laid on the bed. I closed my eyes feeling very tired. I haven't slept in weeks and I probably looked like a mess. I could feel Mark climb into the bed and wrap his arms around me as I fell asleep.

Author's note: There you guys! He's not dead x3 hehehehe anyway there's still more to come though ;) hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and I'm so thankful that I have hit over 3,000 views you guys this is so crazy(: anyways love you guys~

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