Chapter 14

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~Wade PV~

I had this really bad feeling as I pulled up to Mark's house with Yami. Aaron's plane had landed early so we showed up earlier than I told Mark. I slowly climb out of the car and make my way towards the door with Aaron. I think Aaron feels as if something was wrong too. The lights were off as we entered the deadly quiet house besides for a sad song coming from Mark's room. I close the front door behind Aaron quietly and slowly make our way to Mark's room in the dark. Opening the door slowly I pop my head in to find he room empty. I walk over and turn off the radio and look around. My eyes stop at the bed as I see a blood stain on it and a lump formed in my throat. Aaron's eyes followed mine to see what I was staring at.

~Aaron's PV~

I look at the blood stain on the bed and my heart sinks and I bite my bottom lip trying not to cry. He's been hurting himself all because of me. I watch as Wade makes his way out of the room and to the bathroom. I didn't notice the light was on. I join right beside Wade as the door opens with a creak. My heart snapped in two and tears formed into my eyes.

"AARON CALL 911 NOW!" Even though Wade was yelling it sounded so distant to me but I do as he says.

"911 what's your emergency?" Said what sound like a young female.

"Please we need an ambulance" I was crying uncontrollably and I couldn't help myself.

"What's your address sir?" Her voice came soft.

I told her Mark's address as I sank to the floor holding myself and crying. Soon enough the ambulance came and we got questioned as they took Mark away. This is all my fault I did this to him. I climb into the ambulance and hold Mark's bloody hand. Pain filled my chest as I stare at his pale face and his closed eyes. Good lord please let him make it please. The people in the ambulance hook him up and the heart monitor was soon beeping to show his heart was beating slowly.

"He's not going to make it" one person whispered to the other as we approached the hospital.

They took him inside put him in a nice little room and the doctor came in to check on him.

"Who are you?" The man said as he looked me up and down.

"I'm a...friend of Mark's. Is he going to be okay?" The doctors eyes sort of saddened for me.

"He's in a coma. He lost a lot of blood and he has a three percent chance of living. I'm sorry" the doctor made his way out of the room leaving me alone with my lovers body.

I quietly sit on the edge of Mark's white bed and hold his hand. The heart monitor seemed to be beeping so loudly. I felt like I had no heart. Kissing Mark's hand softly I let a few tears fall onto his hand. This is all my fault. Wade stood at the door watching and waiting for a right time to interrupt me.

"You ready to go Aaron?" Wade's voice seemed to come out in a whisper.

"I think I'm just going to stay here with him. To make sure everything is okay" Wade wanted to protest but he just nodded and went on his way.

"I love you Mark, more than anything in my life and anything that is to come. I don't want to be with anybody else but you and if that means I have to wait forever.. If you don't wake up I swear to you that I won't love anybody else. You will always have my heart." I stroke his cheek softly. "You'll always be in my heart. No one can ever take your place. I'm sorry I've caused you pain. I'm sorry I hurt you to the point you hurt yourself" Tears dared to spill from my eyes. "Please wake up, I need you" No response came from the pale body.

I pull up a chair and leans back in it closing my eyes. I vow to never leave his side till he wakes up I swear upon my life. Sleep soon wrapped me into its arms and carried me off into dreamland.

Authors note: After this story is done do you guys think I should write another Markimash story? Comment what you guys think. Anyways guys over 2,500 views(: thanks so much. Vote, Follow or Comment! Thank you guys in till the next update. B-bye :)

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