Chapter 15

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~Mark's PV~

I was in a large field filled with flowers the sun is shinning bright and the air smelled fresh. The field looked like it stretched on forever. I was sitting down with Aaron's arms around me. I felt like I was in heaven because this was just too perfect. I could feel the kisses on my neck. I could this all feel real. The last thing I remember was cutting to deep and I tried to get to the bathroom to try and stop the bleeding and everything went black and I'm sure I fell on the knife. But here I am in Aaron's arms and he's holding me and kissing me. Though I feel like I'm being pulled deeper into a dream. I pull from Aaron's arms but he didn't say or do anything. Then my surroundings changed. Everything was dark but I could hear a voice.

"Hey Mark. The doctors say there hasn't been a change in your state. I really need you to wake up. Aaron hasn't left your side except for now I forced him to go with Bob to get something to eat and a change of clothes. I'm surprised Aaron could go a week without eating. We miss you Mark. Aaron misses you. Jess cheated and left the poor guy and he feels guilty for not choosing you. Please wake up Mark. You're my best friend, if you don't wake up I'm losing someone I care about" It was Wade.

Wade I'm here what do you means it been a week. What do you mean Jess left Aaron!! I want to see Aaron! I tried to move and talk but my body refused. Then I heard the door open and Wade left and Aaron sat next to me and I heard the door close.

"Mark, I miss you so much" Aaron seemed to choke on his tears. "Please wake up please please. I need you Mark please. I'm sorry okay. I need you more than ever and I swear on my life if you wake up we'll be together forever. Just me and you." I felt his hand squeeze mine. "I love you forever. You gave me a feeling no one else could ever give to me. My heart use to threaten to explode when we talked. When you would touch my hand my stomach was about to burst and let the butterflies out. When I watched you smile I couldn't help but smile too. You're all I want and you're all I need." I could feel the darkness pulling at me and I tried to fight it to keep listening to Aaron. "I love you. please wake up plea..." I couldn't fight the darkness it pulled me back into the dream.

~Aaron's PV~

I could have swore I felt Mark squeeze my hand back but it just my imagination. The doctors say there hasn't been a change and their not even sure if he's going to make it. His percentage of survival has dropped to two percent. My heart collapsed when I heard that. Ever since then I refused to eat and I talk to Mark all the time. Begging and begging for him to awaken. Sometimes I would dream of his waking up and pushing me away and not forgiving me. I would cry every night. I didn't even eat when Wade made Bob take me out. I did shower and change. Even when the nurses asked me to leave so they can wash Mark I refused. The doctor told the nurse to let me do as I pleased.

I miss him so much. I don't know what I'll do if he doesn't wake up. It's bad enough I'm already in deep depression. I move myself to the edge of the bed. I begin to fix Mark's hair. It felt really soft just like it did weeks ago. Tears began to fall as I kiss Mark softly and hold his hand to my heart. I feel like every last piece of me is shattering. I need him like plants need water, like babies need affection, like a school needing teachers. He was my other half I know he is.

"Please wake up" I whisper softly...

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