Chapter 11

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~Yami's Pv~

I don't know how long we sat there puzzled but I know Mark layed down with his head in my lap and fell asleep. Careful not to disturb him I run my fingers through his hair slowly and smile at the softness. My heart felt light with happiness and I had a new prospective on things. He saved my life. He does care about me. I couldn't help myself earlier. After he did that I just lost control and started kissing him. We made love again and I admitted that I loved him and he said it back. Deep down I know he meant it. Everything inside me is melting with happiness and desire. I don't want this to end but then again I do. I wish I would have told Mark I loved him at a better time. Right now we on our final test and everything is not scary anymore. If we cant figure this puzzle out we'll die. Lucky for us we haven't starved. Every time we go to sleep then wake up there would be food waiting for us. I don't know if its the creatures giving us food or if its the actual person who trapped us. Either way I'm still thankful for the food. I shift slightly and pop my neck. God my neck hurts really bad. I am also a bit tired but I don't really want to fall asleep. I stroke Mark's cheek softly. He has really soft skin and its kinda dirty from not being washed. I wonder how long we have been stuck in here. Mark slowly moves and sits up rubbing his tired eyes.

"Morning handsome" I say not being able to resist.

Mark looks at me, his cheeks red with embarrassment, and he slowly stretches. I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him close. Mark looks into my eyes then at my lips then back at my eyes. I bit his lower lip teasingly. He groans in response and stares at me with pleading eyes to kiss him. I slowly press my lips against his as he returns the favor. I watch as a saddened expression appears on his face when I pull away and stand. Moving over to the vile and knife I pick them up and stared at them. Don't try to do this one so fast or you'll die.. Do we have to put our blood into the vile? That might be a possibility.

"Mark" I turn to face him.

"Yeah?" He slowly gets off the floor.

"I think we have to mix out blood in this vile but after that I'm not quite sure what we're suppose to do" I say handing him the vile as I hold the knife.

"Ok" He took the vile and seemed to hug it.

I slowly bring the blade to my arm and slide it a crossed breaking the skin causing blood to flow. Taking the vile from Mark I tilt my wrist so the blood flows down into the vile. Filling the vile half way I move it away from my wrist.

"Okay Mark, your turn. But take it slow and don't go to deep" I hand him the blade and wipe my wrist against the bottom of my shirt.

I watch as Mark cuts his wrist and the blood start to pool on top of his skin. I hold the vile under his wrist as he tips it letting the blood dip into the vile. In the vile our blood seemed to combined. I'm not sure how I noticed since our blood was the same color but I could just feel it. The vile was now full as I bring it close to me and look around. Near a wall sat what look like a stone block. Though when I got closer I noticed a big heart carved into the gray surface. Also, in the center of the heart was a very small hole that only a really thin needle could possible fit through. I pour the blood into the heart as the blood spread to fill the space. A bright pink light seemed to shine under the blood as the hole sucked it up. I back up in amazement to find a piece of the wall sliding back to form an escape. I grab Mark's hand and lead him through.

~Mark's PV~

Yami grabs my hand and leads me through the opening in the wall. As our fingers intertwined with each others the cuts on our wrists touched. Slowly we entered a room full of monitors and a chair with its back to us. All I could do was stand there quietly. The chair slowly began to turn around to face us.

"You've past my test" Their voice was shallow but sweet.

"Why did you do this to us" Yami's voice seemed firm which made my heart do a flip.

"Haven't you realized it yet. I sent Mark the invitation because I knew he would choose to bring you. This was all a test to see if you both would admit you loved each other and to truly see if you both were meant to be. You both past my test and now you may leave but the true test is.... Are you both going to forget this happened or are you going to actually be together" My heart sank.

I knew that I would choose to be with Aaron. I would tell everyone that I was gay if it meant Aaron and I were going to be together but he has Jess... I wonder what he's going to choose..

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