Chapter 8

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~Mark's Pv~ 

I don't know how long I have been chained to this wall. My arms are starting to kill me they hurt so bad. I heard footsteps in the next room and I look up. My heart sank when I saw the mole person from the game Vanish. I can't believe these creatures actually exist! The creature came closer and unchained me from the wall. I fall to my feet and stare at the creature and it hands me a note. I slowly take the note as I watch the creature walk away. I look down to read the note:

Hello Markiplier,

I'm glad to see how far you have got this far. There is a key hidden somewhere in the room your in. That key will unlock the door to your friend. But beware you have only an hour to save him before he suffers a terrible death. Also there is a weapon under the counter in the corner. Use it wisely but you will find packets of bullets hidden so look closely. A flashlight will be found later but up in a high place. Don't waste time and don't get caught by my creatures I would hate for the show to end. Well good luck my friend and I hope you make it through...this part. By the way, I'm always watching.

I quickly make my way to the counter and bends down grabbing the gun. Standing quickly I slide the gun into my waist band and make my way around and find a key taped to a box on a self. I look around the room to see if I can find anything else that might be useful. I soon notice a little timer sitting up on a fridge and I grab it. I need to make sure I get to Yami before its too late.

~Yami's Pv~

My head bloody hurts and I don't know where I am. I look down to see I'm above a pit of a green liquid. I look up at see I'm chained and I can only swing my body nothing else. I let out a low sigh and look around to check my surroundings. The room was fairly big and decent. It is a white color and torture equipment filled it the room. Deep down inside I felt hopeless and that Mark is at least okay. I just wish I would have gotten the chance to tell him I love him and how much I wanted to send my life with him. I'm going to miss him, those eyes, his black hair, his laugh, his scream, his hugs, everything. I just want to kiss him one last time. Just one last embrace is all I ask for before I die. 

~Mark's Pv~

I got fifty minutes left and I don't know if I am anywhere close. I'm just following these arrows on the wall and I've already killed so many creatures. I just hope Yami is okay, all I want is for Yami to be okay. Even if it means I have to die to let Yami live. At least Yami has someone. Jess I hope she doesn't come home to no Yami and she starts to worry and he turns out to be dead. I'd feel so bad because it would be my fault. I dragged him into this. I should have asked someone else to come or not have come at all. My heart feels heavy with sadness to know Yami is in danger. The man I love the only person I want. I take a left turn as the hallway seems to becoming darker the more I move forward. 

I swear I could hear the creatures are coming closer. I swore I feel someone breathing on the back of my neck but every time I turn around no one is there. Their getting into my head I can feel it and I don't like it. Maybe I'm just going crazy. I look down at the timer to find I have thirty- five minutes left. I feel like my heart is going to explode. I could feel my blood pressure rising and I feel light headed. I try not to run for the reason that I don't want to attract any attention. I'm running low on ammo and I keep watching my feet and looking every where else yet I still have no luck. I still remember Vanish how running attracted the attention of those mole people. I also remember that minuter maze game and no matter how much you ran he would find you. 

I've played so many games throughout the time I've been on youtube and I still planned to play a lot more. Now it all depends if I can get out of here and save Yami. Please lord let Yami and I get out of this alive. I take another turn and quickly pull out my gun from my waist ban and aim it at the creture infront of me. I couldn't help but sigh. I'm so sick of these games, I'm so sick of being scared, and I'm sick of being some ones puppet. I swear if Yami and I make it out of this I'll come clean about how I feel about him even if he rejects me. I love Yami and I just want him to know so bad. I aim for the creatures head and shoot sending him to the ground and its blood to spill out. Only thirty minutes left oh please let me make it in time.

Authors note: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :D Hope you guys enjoy~

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