Chapter 13

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~Mark's PV~

Its been a week since I have visited Yami. He's been sending me messages and tried to contact me on Skype but I don't answer. I've also been slacking of on my videos. I barley upload anymore or when Minx or someone else ask me to join them on prop hunt or TTT, I decline and end up sitting on my bed curled up into a ball. Wade and Bob have been trying to cheer me up but nothing works. I hate that I told them the entire story of what happened and why I was gone so long. Now they know I'm gay and that I'm in love with Aaron. Wade told me I should see a therapist but I told him that it wouldn't work. Secretly I have been cutting and hiding the scars from both of them. I just feel alone, so very alone I just want Aaron.

~Wade's PV~

I just saw Mark today and he's getting more pail as the days go by. He thinks I don't see the cut marks but I do. I'm getting tired of seeing him hurt like this. As soon as I get home I'm going to talk with Aaron about what he has done to poor Mark. My grip on the wheel tightened and I sped up the car so I would reach my house sooner. I climb out the car and slam the door on accident. Making my way to the computer I see that Yami is on Skype and call him.

"What's up Wade? Where's Mark he hasn't been answering any of my messages" I could see the hurt look on his face but my anger was about to boil over.

"Do you really blame him for not answering you?! For crying out loud the poor guy is in love with you and after what you guys went through you choose to ignore it and go on with your life!" The color from Aaron's face drained.

"H-he told you about that.." His voice came out in a whisper.

"Of course he told me! How could you be so heartless" I hissed.

"I've been trying to get a hold of Mark to tell him Jess left... she cheated on me while she was away.. I was hoping Mark would let me come there to see him and I was going to wait to tell him when I got there so I could apologize and swear to him that I wasn't ever going to leave him again" Suddenly I felt bad for the guy.

"Look, Aaron I think you should come here as a surprise for Mark. He really needs it I think he's sick with a broken heart" Aaron's eyes filled with sadness.

"I caused this. All I want is for Mark to be happy. He seemed his happiest when he was with me even though we were in a life or death situation... He saved my life and all I did was hurt him afterwards" I could feel the love in Aaron's voice for Mark.

"Set up a plane ticket and come here" My voice became firm and lost all anger.

"Y-you think Mark will want to see me?" Aaron seemed to look me straight in the eyes.

"I know he will" Aaron nodded as I ended the Skype call.

I hope Mark is okay. I know he needs Aaron. I hope I just really hope that Mark doesn't do anymore damage to himself anymore than he already has. I hate seeing Mark hurt. He's my best friend and I care about him a lot.

~Aaron's PV~

I watched as the Skype call ended. I really need to set up a plane ticket to see Mark. I should have chose him in the first place. I love Mark with all my heart and soul. Scrolling through I find a flight for tomorrow at two in the morning. I quickly text Wade and tell him as he texts me back saying he'll pick me up. I move away from the computer and pack for my stay in Ohio. I set my alarm clock and turn off the lights climbing into bed. Please let Mark forgive me..

~Mark's PV~

I toss and turn upon my bed not being able to get comfy. Wade texted me saying he has a surprise for me but he hasn't told me when I get it. I don't even know if I want it. I wince as my cuts brush against the bed. Their still rather sore since these ones were only made a few hours ago. I manage to cut deep and the blood wouldn't stop flowing out for about ten minutes. My heart is still in pain even though I've been crying all my feelings away. I feel numb inside and its actually rather relaxing. I haven't made videos in the past two days and Bob is saying comments and messages are blowing up like crazy wondering where I am and if I'm okay. I still haven't told anyone else what happened and how I'm in love with Aaron. I'd rather just forget but my heart refuses. I know I once heard a saying that if you lose feelings for someone then you never really loved them from the start. So, I guess I'm out of luck about forgetting what happened. I sighed heavily. My room was dark, I didn't like having the lights on, because I just don't want to face the day anymore. I never knew how much one person could affect me.

I sit up slowly and rub my stomach. I'm hungry, I haven't really eaten in days, but I don't know what I want. I slowly slide myself away from my blanket. Making my way to the kitchen I rummage through the cabinets. I have so much food but I don't really know what to eat. I finally decide to grab an apple and a big sharp knife. I cut the apple into slices and lean against the counter. While eating the apple slices I stare at the knife. My mind began to wonder about what it would be like to use this to cut my skin. Would it hurt worse then a smaller knife? Or would it hurt just the same? I slide the knife into my waist ban and finish eating the apple slices. Quietly I make my way back to my room. Pulling the knife out I plop down on my bed and hug it. I could hear my phone going off. I pick it up to see Wade sent me a text saying he'd be over in a few hours. That should be plenty of time for me. I text him back saying okay then put my phone off to the side as I take the large knife and let it dance against my skin..

Author's note: Omg you guys! 2,000 reads and over 100 votes!! I'm so happy you guys so here's chapter 13 and I will be starting on 14 soon. Though I don't think I'll have 14 done this week, idk maybe it will, it'll all depend if I have time and/or if I get writers block or not. I wouldn't have gotten this far without you guys and I can't thank you enough. Keep being awesome you guys love you! B-bye :D

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