Chapter 24

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Harry POV

I woke up to a cell phone ringing. My hand instinctally went for it.

"Hello?" I asked groggily.

"Harry? Where's Roxanne?" Collins voice rang through the phone. I looked over to see her side of the bed was empty.

"I... I don't know." I said getting out to look in the bathroom.

"Fuck..." He grumbled. "Where are you?"  He sounded panicked which instantly worried me.

"Collin, what's going on?" I asked after giving him my room number.

"I don't know, Harry, I just know she's going on a suicide mission." He answered. I could hear an engine start on his end of the line.

"Why do you say that?" I asked as I reached the car to find it empty as well.

"She texted me telling me to take not let Phoenix get you and that she loved us." I could feel my chest tighten in agony as I thought about her in danger.

"I'll burn it all down before I let them kill you." I whispered her words.

"What?" Collin asked irratated right as he pulled in next to me. I hung up as he rolled down the window.

"I think I know where she is." I declared.


Roxanne POV

I stepped off the plane leaving the now dead pilot. Boss and the others decided that it would be a good idea for me to bring Harry here. He was to battle to the death one of the guys, if he won then he stayed. I threw my phone when it flashed Collin's name.

"Sorry Collin." I whispered. I walked in the front door and the hustle and bustle of the boys could be heard all around me. I walked into Mark's old room and grabbed the gallon of acetone. I walked to the front door and poured in across the doorway then down the main hall all the way to the other end of the building without any of them seeing me.

"What's that smell?" I heard one of the guys ask. I poked my head in.

"The mint smell?" I asked. He looked at me surprised but nodded. "New cleaning product Boss has the new recruits using." He nodded before I left. I counted every person in the place, smiling at every single soul I was about to die with. "Now just need to make sure Boss is here." I cracked open his office door and just like I thought he was sitting right where he was suspected.

"Roxanne." He muttered "Come on in." I closed the door behind me and pointed the gun at him. He looked up and shooked his head before gettig back to his paperwork. "Your not going to kill me, Roxanne. Where would you go?"

"I know." I spoke up finally, his head snapped up. I looked a his unyielding face. "I know you were the one to take me. I know who my parents are. I know everything Boss." He didn't look convinced so I took out the photo and through it to him. I watched as it dawned on him.

"Kitty said you'd be the death of us." He muttered. "She was my fiance you know. I had to murder her, because she knew if you found out who your parents were you'd come for all of us. I see she was as right as always. I still remember when we took you neither one of us knew who you were until it had already been done." He looked at me with sadness.

Was he in love with Kitty? Could he understand the feelings I felt for Harry? I questioned putting the gun down, but then I realized who I was talking about and focused on the man who wanted to kill the only person who I loved.

"Go on. I'm ready." He demanded and I did. I shot him right between the eyes and watched him slump forward. I walked out of his office and towards the enterance. I grabbed one of the lit candles from one of the bedrooms. I dropped the candle in front of the only way out. I watched the flames climb up the walls and down the path I landed spreading all around me.

"Roxanne!" I spun around to see Harry on the other side of the flames.

"Harry! What are you doing here?!" I demanded.

"Coming to save your stupid ass!" Collin shouted trying to find away through. I heard shouting down the hall as the house started to fill with smoke.

"How'd you get here?!" I asked frowning. Only way to get here was to fly and I killed the only pilot we had.

"Harry found a pilot!" I started at them in disbelief. Suddenly a piece of the ceiling fell in front of me. 

"Roxanne!" I could hear them calling my name, but I could no longer see them as I fought to stay away from the flames. Think, Roxanne, think. I could get out of this alive now. I just had to get on the other side of that door, then survival would be a possibilty. I covered my mouth and nose with my shirt trying to keep out the smoke. I laid on the floor and breathed in the inch of clear air the hung under the smoke.

I could see the crack of a door and crawled to it. I placed my hand on the door to feel it was cold to the touch. I held my breathe as I worked my way in as fast as I could. Once I was in I gulped the semi fresh air. A quick look showed me I was in the recruit barracks.  I quickly grabbed all the clothing I could find and through it in the shower, along with a few pillows. I turned on the water until they were all soaked. I grabbed them and started to seal the cracks in the door.

I searched the room to find a metal trashcan, a few rags, and swimming googles. I filled up the trash can and took a wet rag and tied it around my nose and mouth. Using two other rags  I held the trash can. OK I can do this I thought and strapped on the swimming googles hoping it'll help keep the smoke out of my eyes. I opened the door and the smoke rushed in, so far so good. I sprinted towards where I remembered the entrance to be. When I reached the fallen debris I stopped.  Here goes nothing I thought as I threw the can over the smallest burning section. The fire went out for a second, just long enough for me to ignore all the screams and jump through.

I hit the ground rolling. when I looked up I could see Harry and Collin again yelling at some guy. I took off the googles smiling. I opened my mouth to call to them, to find I couldn't I locked eyes with Harry before falling over. I felt him catch me before I fell into the cold snow below me.


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