Chapter 21

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I froze at the man in front of me. I've never seen Boss out of his office. I wanted to glance at Harry, to protect Harry, but I knew I couldn't let the man in front of me know I cared. I gave him a cold smirk.

"Well are you going to let your father in or not?" He asked crossing his arms. I didn't speak just as I stared back at him challengingly.

"Of course Mr. Sanders come on in." Harry spoke up from behind me shrugging taking my hand so Boss can get through.

"Please call me Peter." He said holding out his hand to Harry.

"Harry." Harry replied taking in Boss's hand. "Come join us for dinner sir." Harry motioned to him towards the dinner we were having as I stood there speechless at them seemingly getting along.

"Unfortunately, I came here to take Roxanne home." Boss actually sounded regretful about it, he glanced at me.

"What? Why?" I asked. "What about school?"

"It's not like you been attending school now, Roxanne. " He said pinching the bridge of his nose. "Plus we just had a death in the family we are bringing everyone home."

"Will she be coming back?" Harry asked cautiously gripping my hand in his.

"I'm not... I'm not sure Harry." He said softly.

"Well can I come? Just for a few days."

"What would your parents say?" He asked. I glared at him cause he already knew the answer.

"They are dead sir." Harry tried to keep his face from showing the sadness he felt, but it was as plain as day.

"Well I'll let you two have the rest of the night." He said before turning towards me. He let his cruel smile slip out. "I'll see you 6 am sharp, darling daughter." He turned to leave but stopped at the doorway. "Both of you." With that he was gone. I grabbed the pillow off the couch and chucked it at the door and screamed out the frustration I was feeling.

I felt Harry lightly rub the center of my back. I turned in his arms and let him embrace me.

"Everything will be fine Roxy." He whispered through my hair. Despite his words I didn't feel any more relaxed. "I'll call Collin and ask him if he can pack up our stuff. Why don't you go all the way up to the master bedroom?" I nodded suddenly feeling exhausted. I took the glass elevator up to the top floor.

The doors slid open to a beautiful white and gold suite. I felt breathless as I stared at the sight in front of me. I felt gross in my dirty pajamas standing in such a massive shiny room. I found the master bathroom and closed the door behind me. I turned the tub on and peeled the disgusting clothes off of me.  As I felt the hot almost boiling water run over my skin I couldn't help but sigh.

I soaked in there letting my thoughts wander over Harry and how much fun we had been having. I couldn't help the smile that forced its way on my face. I must of been to deep in thought because I didn't hear the knock.

"Roxy, so I thought you ....." He froze as the blush crept across his face. "I ... Um...Knocked. I.... I'll leave." He stuttered slamming the door shut. I stared at the door not sure if I was more embarrassed or Wanted to laugh over his reaction. Only my Harry would be so shy. It's why I love him. I felt myself stiffen at the thought. I love him.

Is that possible? We have only been dating for a day.... Even as I thought the question I knew the answer. I got out of the tub wrapping a big fluffy towel around myself. "Harry?" I asked cracking the door open. I found him sittiing in the chair in front of the door with his head in his hands. "Harry are you okay?" I asked worriedly kneeling infront of him.

He laughed. "Of course you'd be worried about me." He said softly causing me to frown. " I'm sorry Roxy I didn't mean...." He started to apologize, but I cut him off by kissing him. 

I pulled away with my hand on his cheek. "I know Harry. You'd never try to hurt me, Harry, nor would you try to force me into anything." I whispered. He searched my face and I let him see that I meant every word. "Harry...."


"I realized something." I said nervously. He quirked his eyebrow in curiosity. "I love you, Harry. It scares me, but I love you."

He smiled before kissing my forehead lightly. "I love you too Roxy. I've loved you since you spoke up to Caleb. I never seen such a brave woman before."

I smiled before letting out a sigh and laying my head against his knee. "Harry, I won't let them kill you. I'll burn the place down before that happens." He stroked my hair softly before walking me to the bed still only wrapped in the towel. I stopped him before climbing in.

"What's wrong?" He asked suddenly looking like a little boy. I gestured to my lack of clothing causing him to smile. He took off his Tshirt and handed it to me. I slipped it on over the towel before pulling the towel off.  He scanned my bare legs and up my body with a strange look on his face. " I think you should where my clothes more often."

I laughed before pushing him back and climbing on top of him letting my hair fall to one side. "Oh really?" I asked as I felt him gulp underneath me. " Does that mean you should where my clothes then?" I teased. He laughed shaking his head. "I think your right I don't think my clothes would look good on you." I said as I trailed my hands down his abs.

"Roxy?" He asked looking unsure yet excited as I slowly unbuttoned his pants. I stopped suddenly doubting myself. He leaned forward and kissed me passionately. "Are you sure about this?" He asked nervously. I searched his face seeing nothing but love there and nodded.

"I'm sure, Harry." I said as I went to yank his pants off and I heard him groan as I straddled him. "Are you okay with this?" I asked as I wiggled myself against him with just his boxers between us. He slid his hands up my thighs slowly as he answered with a nod of his head.

"Your so beautiful." He whispered as he stared up at me. I pulled off his shirt over my head and he flipped us over so he was on top. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as he kissed down my neck as he slowly stroked my breasts.

He slid his hand further down and slipping a finger in me causing me to arch into him. He captured my lips as I moaned and continued to play with me. I bit his lip as I was starting to feel overwhelmed. He took his hand away from me and pulled his self out of his boxers. I watched his face in antisipation. Part of me scared that it'd hurt.

He slowly got closer to me as if waiting for me to stop him , but I didn't. When he entered me it hurt for a second causing me to grip the headboard before it turned into pleasure. As the pleasure ripped through me he kissed me passionately not letting me pull away til we were done, left panting next to one another.

I curled into him as he pulled me towards him. "I love you Roxy." He whispered into my hair.

"I love you too Harry." I yawned as my eyes fluttered closed.

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