Chapter 17

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Roxy POV

I woke up with a strange weight on top of me. I kept my eyes closed and controlled my breathing as I was trained to do. I listened to the unknown persons breathing. They were obviously awake and watching me. I quickly twisted out of their arms to fall on the opposite side of the bed gun pointed at the intruder.

Their eyes were wide open and I sighed in relief as I recongnized Harry's face. I gave him a sheepish smile and placed my gun back in its holester. "Sorry Harry."

"Your phone went off. I wasn't sure if I should answer it or not." He said holding my phone out to me. I opened it to see Collin left me a voicemail. I put it on speaker.

"One missed message. First message." There was a beep. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROXANNE!" Collins voice yelled through the phone causing me to groan. "End of message. Press four to.... Message deleted. Goodbye." I hung up shaking my head and quickly dialed Collins number back.

"Roxy did you get my message?" He practically sang.

I groaned. "Yea...... You coming up here Collin?" I heard a grunt in the background as he stumbled around.

"No, sorry Roxy...."He whispered into the phone. I nodded a little disappointed, but knew that one of us had to complete the mission.

"It's fine Collins. I don't like my birthday anyways." I spoke softly turning my back towards Harry.

"Well have fun with Harry. Oh and did you hear?" Collins lowered his voice before continuing telling me that it was important. "Boss wants us to bring Harry and Rebecca home."

"Wait what? Why?" I glanced over at Harry before getting up to rifle through my closet.

"Who knows just be ready." He said.

"Always." I whispered back before hanging up.

"It's your birthday?" Harry asked curiously. I glanced at him and shrugged as I shut myself in the closet to change.

"Unfortunately." I groaned.

"So I take it your not a fan of your birthday? Any reason for that?" He asked cautiously.

"I was taught that it wasn't worth the consquences." I said vaguely remembering when I tried to celebrate it in secret and they burned the back of my hands. They could do as much damage as they wanted they had surgens they paid to fix any damage that would have been permanent. "Plus not like I had people to celebrate with." I whispered as I walked back out straightening my shirt out.

He eyed me wearily but nodded. I  "So how old are you now?" He asked trailing his eyes down my body causing me to blush.

I thought about it. "Well I went into the agency when I was four..... I guess 18 now?" I said it unsure.

"If your 18, then we are the same age." He said.

"I thought you were a sophomore." I climbed back onto the bed and sat next to him careful to keep my distance.

"Well we can't all be as smart as you." He spoke softly as he watched my movements. " I mean how you always know the answers in Anatomy amaze me."

"Well I had to know the body to get the reactions I needed so you can say it's part of the job." I watched him pale a second before nodding.

"I keep forgetting you enjoy killing people." He muttered under his breath but I heard him. I felt myself stiffen as I slipped into my cold place. I was caught off guard at how hurt his comment made me. I got off the bed careful not to look at him and walked outside slamming the door behind me.

"Roxanne!" I heard him calling after me. He was out of breathe and struggling to keep up. "Roxanne, why are you upset?" I stopped and turned to him with my signature smirk. The same smirk I give to make my victims think I'm going to enjoy what happens next.

"I'm not upset." I lied easily. "I just realized that it was time for my run." He looked at me a little shocked.

"Roxanne, don't lie to me. You don't just randomly act this way." He pointed out.

"How would you know? We've only met about a month ago. What makes you think you know me so well?"  When he didn't answer I started walking further into the woods. If he thinks of me that way then why follow me into the middle of no where?

"Roxanne, please I'm sorry." He begged grabbing my hand. I glared at him, but didn't yank away.

"How are you sorry if you don't even know why I'm upset?" I remarked.

He smiled." See you are upset." I went to yank my hand but he held tight. His face turned serious. "I don't have to know what I did to be sorry that your hurting." He said it softly.

As I watched him I realized I was actually hurt that he thought I was a monster. That I might lose him or I wasn't good enough because of who I was. I looked into his eyes looking for a sign though I wasn't even sure what I was looking for. Could I be falling for him? I thought maybe I already have and that thought scared me, because something told me if I given into that I'll always have these fears.

I let out a sigh and I saw him smile seeing me cave. I sat down on a fallen log  and he followed keeping his hand in mine. "You ready to go?" I asked after a few moments of silence. I was watching the leaves above us as I listened to the birds. He smiled and shook his head before pulling me into his lap. I laughed softly.

"Not yet you tired me out chasing after you." He teased.

"Maybe you need to go on runs with me then." I said thinking if he is already out of breathe he'll be in trouble later in life.

"Maybe...." He sounded unsure though.

I looked into his face and couldn't help, but smile knowing instantly this boy was going to be trouble. "Okay, well then lets camp here." I said starting to get excited. I haven't camped in a long time.

"Camp?! It's still day time and we don't have any tents!" He exclaimed.

I frowned at him."We don't need tents. Plus you said you were tired." I smiled as he scowlded at me like a child. I looked around for a good spot and noticed a cave a little up the hill. "Come on!" I said excitedly. He watched me amused. I picked up some wood to make a fire with and handed it to him before tossing a large rock down the cave. After I was sure there were no wild life I ventured in.

"Do you know how to light a fire?" He asked curiously. I shrugged.

"Collins normally does it." I answered. "But I'm sure I remember."

"You two go camping a lot?" He asked, watching me pull all the materials together.

"It became a tradition for my birthday." I said as I blew lightly into the ember creating a small flame.

Harry slowly put the twigs in to help me build the flame until the whole cave was lit. "I thought you didn't celebrate your birthday."

"I don't, we celebrate the day we became partners" I said remembering when Collin told Boss that. Boss looked like his head turned into a tomato.

" Let me guess, Collins idea?" Harry said smiling.  I nodded.

I felt a small breeze blow in from the entrance of the cave and glanced around the bend to see that it was dark and snowing.

"Is the fire going to be enough?" Harry asked concern, but I nodded before I felt another shiver run down my body.

"Yea the fire is back enough that it'll be fine and it'll warm up the rocks. As long as we stay with the fire we will be fine." I reassured him warming my hands against the heat.

He pulled me into him and it wasn't til I felt his warmth that I realized I was cold. We huddled by the fire in silence. 

"Roxy....." He whispered breaking the silence.  I looked away from the dancing flames and almost flinched at how close his face was to mine.

" Yes Harold?" I asked laying my head on his shoulder feeling my eyes start to droop.

"Happy Birthday." He whispered as I fell to sleep.

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