Chapter 2

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 My door flung open and my instincts kicked in. I grabbed the knife from under my pillow and sent it sailing towards the doorway as I grabbed my gun. I trained the gun on a very startled Collin.

"Now I get why none of the guys come in here....." Collin said laughing.

"None of the guys come in here because they don't like me." I said it as a fact. He just shook his head and shut the door behind him.

"Boss is going to be angry if we are late are you packed?" I glanced at the backpack. I didn't own much: pair of tennis shoes, seven out fits, and bathroom essentials. That one bag held my whole life in it. "Oh yeah....." He said looking at the small bag. "I forgot that you don't shop on our missions."

I patted his shoulder gently. "I'll help you carry your stuff." We walked out and headed to his room. His room still had a lot of stuff in it. I was about to ask if he packed when I noticed the four huge duffels in the corner. "You know we probably won't be gone that long right?"

"You don't know Boss wouldn't give me any details." He made a funny face and mocked Boss. "Collins I'll tell you tomorrow on your way out. It's a need to know basis." I laughed as I struggled to keep his big bag on my small shoulders. He held the door open for me as I strolled into Bosses office.

"Here." Boss grumbled not even bothering to look up as he tossed the folder towards us. "And don't fuck it up." I coughed, making him annoyed.

"Boss how long is this trip?" I asked not bothering to look. He shot me a look telling me if he could kill me he would.

"Don't know, a month.... maybe a year or two." I heard Collin make a choking noise behind me.

"A year or two?!" I yelled. "What are we doing?!"

"Undercover work, Roxanne, now off with you the jet is waiting." We went to leave but he stopped us. "Oh and Mark has stuff for you as well." I shut the door behind me just to run right into Mark.

"Woah there." He said balancing me with his hand. "I figured you'd be here and Collin would have over packed you like a mule."

"Hey!" Collin went to object.

"So I figured I'd come meet you and show you the goods. " He quickly put down one of the backpacks. "In here are basic accessories, pencil case with a recorder in it, sunglasses that double as a spy cam, and etc." He unzipped the bag and put in a black notebook. "This is an instruction manual cause I figured you'd be pressed for time." He took one of the duffels from me. " You won't have any standard weapons so please read it thoroughly." He glanced at Collin who smiled innocently. When we reached the plane he helped us load our stuff in before turning to me. "Oh and Roxanne" He hesitated for a second. "I'm going to miss you." I smiled as he quickly took off.

"Oooo someone likes you." Collin teased, I ignored him. Instead I looked at the photo of my parents as the plane took off.


"Yes R-O-X-A-N-N-E S-A-N-D-E-R-S." I repeated for the third time to the elderly lady.

"Ok...There you are." The lady smiled triumphantly. "Now you sir?" I huffed impatiently.

"Collin Sanders, I'm her brother." He said smiling.

"Can you spell it please?" The fragile old lady said.

"Of course, C...O...L..L...I...N    S...A....N...D...E..R...S" He spoke it slowly pausing at every letter for her.

"Thank you for your patience, Mr. Sanders." She looked at us curiously. "So are you twins?" Technically we were the same ages but for missions sake they put Collin as two years older

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