Chapter 3

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April and Rebecca were arguing over two dresses for me. One held a light blue dress that was strapless and looks it would hit me mid thigh. Rebecca was holding a dark red dress that looked to be made of silk and like the blue dress it was also strapless and short. As the two argue I went through the pile they had laid out for me of stuff I could borrow when there was a knock on the door. We all stopped and stared at the door as if there was an alien on the other side.

"Roxy?" The voice said, letting me exhale a breathe I didn't realize I had been holding. "Are you in there?"

"Yes, Collin, come on in." I said sending the girls an apologetic look. "Brothers." He walked in and the girls dropped their jaws.

"This is your brother?" Rebecca said stuttering. "You don't look anything alike."

"We are half-siblings." Collin spoke smoothly. "Anyways I heard about this party, Roxy, thought you'd need this." He tossed me a black clothe. I picked it up and looked at it smiling. The dress had a laced top and had sleeves. I went into our little bathroom and slipped it on, it fit like a glove. It hit right above my knees and was backless. I walked out to have the girls gawk at me. "You look gorgeous as I remembered." He said smiling.

"I thought it was beyond repair." I said fascinated that he was able to repair the laced top that had once been burnt off. He just gave me a proud smile.

"That is beautiful." April said breaking us out of our own little convo.

"Yea we can work with this." Rebecca said.

"Oh this is my roommate, April." I said gesturing to the girls. "And this is Rebecca." He raised his eyebrow at Rebecca's name and I nodded while the girls were distracted.

"Well I'll leave you girls to it." He winked at the girls. "I'll see you at the party." With that he took off and the girls helped me finish getting ready. When we were all dressed up we took off across campus towards the guy dorms. In the center of the guy dorms was a small courtyard full of people.

"Why don't we have one of these?" I asked as we stepped into the crowd.

"This started as an all boys school and they didn't see the point in having two courtyards." Rebecca said. I turned around to see April already gone. "She's probably looking for her boyfriend." Rebecca said answering my unspoken question. She took my hand and dragged me to a group of people. "Hey Lily, Andrew, Robert, and Zoe." She waved "This is Roxanne."

I waved watching all of their reactions. They all seemed pretty happy to welcome me except Lily who was practically attached to Robert.

The guy named Andrew walked up to me. "Hey nice to meet you." He smiled.

"Oh don't mind him." Zoe said pushing him out of the way glaring at him. "He is on a mission to find a new girl, but we don't use people in our friend circle." She said stressing the word use. She pulled me til I was standing with the rest of them. "Andrew go find your fling else where." She shooed him with her hands.

"So how long have you guys known each other?" I asked.

Zoe laughed. "This week, well except April, me, and Becky. We've known each other since ever." Rebecca slung her arm over Zoe.

"So Z, want to go make some boys jelly?" Becky asked looking down at the short girl next to her.

"Yea, come one Roxanne." They pulled me out to the floor. "OH I love this song!" Zoe yelled over the music.

I looked over to see Rebecca mouthing the words as she swung her hips. "You're so hypnotizing. Could you be the devil, could you be an angel" Just then I got shoved and lost them in the crowd. Soon I was grabbed by a guy and he tried to rub up against me. "They say be afraid Your not like the others, futuristic lovers" I shoved the guy off and stumbled out of the now pulsing crowd. My head felt like it was spinning. "You open my eyes And I'm ready to go, lead me into the light." All of a sudden my heel snapped under me and I went falling right into the guy in front of me. I looked up ready with an apology, but he took off before I could finish the words. That was weird. 

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