Chapter 16

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Queen Vargas POV

"Mom maybe you shouldn't do this..." Tobias begged.

I stared him down making him sigh. "What am I suppose to do she could be out there?" I asked him sternly.

"Hun, maybe it's time to face facts." My husband, Noah began. Just like every year they beg me not to and I do it anyways. "We are just worried about what your doing t yourself." He said embracing me.

"I'm not stopping til I see a body and until then she is still legally the heir." I reasoned. "We can not give up on her."  

"Miranda....." He trailed off as the news anchor approached us.

"Hi Mrs. Vargas." The young plucky woman stuck her hand out to me. "A pleasure to see you again." I declined her extended hand and her eyes widened before she remembered her place and curtsied. "I'm so sorry your majesty." I waved her away and she took off like the frightened girl she was.

I walked onto set and sat in the same seat I have every year on this day. I looked into the camera and waited for my cue.

"Places everyone! Places!" The director yelled. "Alright action."

I took a deep breathe and took a new approach this year. "I wanted to start off by telling the nah sayers who have declared my daughter, our heir, dead one thing. I will not give up on my child. She is to rule this country soon; however I have been reminded we must face facts that she may not return even if she is not dead. To this I decree if she does not come home by her 19th birthday I will rule my son as the new heir." I paused letting them digest this new information. "I do not believe that my daughter, Anja, has pasted. I believe she is lost in this cruel world. I have hope she will return to us. So to my daughter, I hope you have lived a good full life. I hope you have learned not to fear taking risks and have learned how to protect yourself. I hope that you have fallen in love and have people who love you the way I would have if you were with me." I felt a tear well up in my eyes but continued. " I hope you got to see the world and have everything it has to offer. But must of all," I started to choke up alittle. "I hope you see this and know your mother still loves you and wishes you a Happy Birthday. I love you Anja."

"Cut! That's a wrap people!" The director said clapping. Someone handed me a tissue and I quickly cleaned myself up. The director walked up to me and hugged me. "I'm sorry Miranda." Nikolaj said pulling me towards him. Me and the director went back from the first day Anja went missing. "I heard about Mikkel's death, so tragic that he died from that horrid girl. How is his son doing?" He spoke earnestly.

"Yes to be posioned by a friend like that..... His son took it hard we sent him back to that boarding school. Though he writes every week." I smiled at the thought of Mikkel's son. "He started writing about some mystery girl lately. I think he's in love with her." I winked at Nikolaj.

He laughed. "Ah to be young and in love. I remember when I was young, her name was Iris. She was a blonde beauty. " He gushed.

"How does Marcus feel of this blonde beauty?" I laughed.

"Oh he knows I had some flings before I discovered I had a hard on for a hard on." He winked causing me to laugh.

"Well tell him I said you two should come to dinner sometime." I smiled as Noah wrapped an arm around me.

"Your majesty." Nikolaj bowed.

"Ah Niko, your a friend no need to bow to me." He leaned in and stage whispered. "Plus you keep doing it and I'll have to act like a king someday." I laughed shaking my head.

Traditionally the king's word is law and the queen just sits and looks pretty. Don't get me wrong she can be helpful turning the kings view or other big things but normally the king is the head piece. I was an only child and he had been a Lord. He had not wished to rule, he just wanted my heart or so he claimed.

So after a lot of paper work and training on my part we did a lot of role reversal. We also decided our first born male or female would be heir. That's why it's so important for our country to get her back, though my husband knows that's not why I'm on air every year. I would be everyday, but that's not "practical".

"Mother wouldn't you say so?" My son asked placing a hand on my arm.

"I'm sorry son. I'm getting flighty again." I smiled at him.

"Oh he was just saying how it's about time for you to meet Caryn, darling." Noah explained.

I nodded happily. "I'm still wondering how long til you put a ring on that woman of yours." I teased my son causing him to blush. I let out a fake yawn. "I'm going to go home. You men have fun at the party." I smiled before leaving them before they can convince me to stay.

When I reached the car I started to hum A Perfect Lullaby. I watched the clock strike twelve and looked up at the moon. "Where ever your are my darling Princess Anja, I promise we will meet again, whether in life or death."

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