Chapter 8

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Roxanne's POV

I stepped out of the car to realize we were in the middle of no where. My instincts to fight were instantly raised until I saw Harold look at me sheepishly. I started to relax before I looked around. We were in the middle of a clearing in the woods, his headlights were shining on a wooden dock off of a decent sized lake. I looked up and I could see the full moon shining down on us like a spot light. I opened my mouth to comment on how amazing this place was when my phone went off. I looked up at Harold to see him nod for me to answer it.

"Hello?" I asked hesitantly.

"Roxanne! Where are you?!" Collin's voice shouted down the line.

"I needed to clear my head. Why? What's up?"

" No ones seen you all day." Collin sounded worried.

" Collin.... I'm safe. Take a deep breathe." I could hear him sigh on the other end. "You calm now?"

"Yea, did you not get the text that we were to meet Mark at their safe house?" He questioned.

"No," I glanced at Harold. "But I'm busy, we'll go tomorrow."

"But" He started to argue.

"Tomorrow Collin." I hung up on him and then turned my phone off shaking my head. It wasn't like me to ignore the mission even for a few hours of alone time. I let out a groan knowing that he was going to try to baby me tomorrow thinking something was wrong with me.

Harold lightly touched my arm. "Everything ok? If you need to go back we can?" He sounded concern and all I could think as I looked at his worried face was maybe something is wrong with me.

"Why did you sleep on the couch last night?" I asked not being able to stop the question. I saw his eyes widen before he started to blush.

"I didn't think you'd want me to sleep in the bed with you last night." He stumbled.

I shook my head. "I meant why not wake me up or leave me on the couch?" This caused him to frown, I knew he was thinking about it and whatever he said would be the truth so I waited patiently.

"I just figured you would be more comfortable on the bed and I didn't want to wake you . You just looked so... vulnerable." He finally answered as we reached the dock. I sat down and took off my shoes to dip them in the ice cold water. He sat down next to me making sure to give me space.

"Can I ask you about your father?" I asked to break the silence.

"My dad got really sick and died." He answered. I could tell there was more but I didn't press.

"So what's so special about this place?" I asked, he smiled at me.

"My dad use to take me here when I was a kid. Now I come here whenever I need to remember him." He had a brilliant smile on, I couldn't tear my eyes away from his face.

"What did you do here?" I asked.

He had a twinkle in his eyes as he looked me in the eyes. "We'd swim."

I stood up and held my hand down to him and he took it. "Let's do it." His eyes widened.

"Do what?"

I let out a soft chuckle. "Swim." I said as I pulled off my black tank top.

"I.. um... Roxanne wait!" He stuttered as I pulled my skinny jeans off next. I looked up at him as I pulled them away from my ankles.

"What?" I asked cautiously. I was standing in my black under garments with my hands on my hips waiting for him to explain his problem, but he didn't answer. He stood there staring at me with his mouth slightly a jar. I was starting to get frustrated so I snapped my fingers in his face and called his name a few times.

"Oh um...." He blushed.

"We going swimming or not?" I asked. He looked at me and nodded before taking his shoes off. I jumped somersaulted into the freezing water. When I came up I saw Harold standing there awkwardly staring at his feet. I found myself checking him out while he wasn't looking. He wasn't what you'd expect from a dorky kid that got picked on. He wasn't muscular but he wasn't scrawny either, the word that comes to mind is lean. As I stared at his features I suddenly heard him clear his throat. My eyes widened as I realized I must of been staring at him a lot longer then I thought.

"Roxy.... I don't know about this." He stuttered. I just shrugged as I felt a small part of me feel disappointed.

"Well then I'll swim by myself." I leaned back and started to float on the water as I stared up at the sky. I smiled as I heard Harold splash into the water. "So why were you against this at first?"

" I was just worried you thought that I just brought you here for you to...... I just didn't want you to feel uncomfortable." He sounded a little flustered. I moved closer to him and gave him a genuine smile.

" It's just like a bathing suit Harry." I said lowly as I swam closer to him. He took a in take of breathe before leaning into me slowly. I froze undecided if I wanted to get closer to him or not. When he was only a hairline away a car horn went off. I pushed him away lightly and held my fingers to my lips.

"Roxanne! You here!" I stiffened when I recognized Mark's voice. That mother fucker must of bugged me!

"No matter what stay here and stay quiet." I whispered to Harry who nodded. I swam out from under the dock to where Mark could see me then started to climb the ladder.

"Mark, what are you doing here?" I asked smiling.

"Collin called me and told me you were cancelling til tomorrow. I got worried." Mark watched me move like a starved lion looking at a gazelle.

"Well after the last time we met up I needed some space to think." I said crossing my arms. He walked up to me and stroked his hand down my arm.

"Roxanne I'm not going to apologize for trying to kiss you." He said angrily. I instantly thought about Harry still stuck under the dock. I need to get rid of Mark fast.

"Then I'm not apologizing for breaking your nose." I stated firmly.

"Come on Roxanne. We've known each other forever can you seriously tell me you don't feel anything?" He begged.

"They trained us not to feel Mark. And being with you would be like being with Collin." He flinched at my harsh words. "Look Mark I don't want to get on bad terms with you. We still have to work together, but if you ever try to push me to be with you again I will kill you." I felt myself start to slip into my cold place again.

"Roxanne..." He started.

"No, Mark. Now where is the bug? If you don't tell me now then I'll be sure to get you replaced down here." I spoke coldly. He sagged his shoulders.

"It's in your wallet, on the back of your ID." I walked over to my stuff and took out my ID. I rand my thumb over it til I found the little hidden dot on the side of the card. I crushed it in between my fingers as I stared Mark down.

"Now please leave Mark before I decide to kick your ass for breaking my trust like this." I glared at him til he retreated. When I could no longer see his tail lights I looked back at the docks with a sigh.

"Harry, you can come out now." I called out. He climbed up the later and we both quickly got dressed in silence before we went to his car.

"Roxy..... What was that all about?" Harry asked not looking at me. When he finally looked up I had to look away.

"Just take me home Harry." When he didn't start the engine up I looked over at him. "Please Harry. I don't want to lie to you......" He stared at me for ages before turning the car on and taking me back. We rode the whole way back in silence.

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