Chapter 18

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"Come on Harry!" I called up. "Don't be scared!" He looked nervous as he approached the edge of the 20 foot drop.

"Are you sure it's safe?" He called back before glancing behind him. I shook my head at him smiling.

"Just hurry up already!" I laughed. I could practically see him take a deep breathe before he took a few steps back before running forward.  Once he landed into the water I treaded lightly towards him. I scanned the rippling water by the waterfall. 1. I took a deep breathe waiting. 2. I took a deep breathe and held it swimming towards him faster. 3. Still nothing.  "Harry!!" I screamed.

Please no, please no I thought as I got closer. I opened my mouth again to call out to him when suddenly I felt a hand wrap around my ankle and yank me under into the murky water. I kicked hard once and the thing let go. I quickly looked around unable to see a thing before kicking back up. As I broke the surface I took in a deep breathe and coughed out some water before I heard laughter. I threw a glare over at Harold but couldn't help the smile that formed on my face.

"I got you." He said once he was sure I wasn't angry. I splashed at him lightly. "Guess you do care." I stiffened at his words. Not because they offended me, but because I realized how true they were. Unaware of my change in mood he swam over to the shore. I bit my lip unconsciously as I watched him dry his self off. He's grown more tone over the last few days as I've been training him. "You ok?" He asked catching me staring.

"Um..... Yeah... I was just think maybe we should skip training today." I lied.

He cocked an eyebrow at me grinning. "Now I know your not ok." He teased. I walked up the shore after him shaking my head smiling. We've been slowly growing closer, well with a few tense moments. We never talk about them though nor have we talked about the kiss. Lately I've been waking up at night thinking of that kiss. "Well what shall we do?" He pulled me to him as he looked at me softly. He slowly pushed back a random stray hair before pulling away. 

I shrugged unsure. " Let's go back to the cabin." He nodded before taking my hand.

We were quiet for a bit, but as I've learned Harry doesn't like silence. "So what's going on with Collin?" I let out a short laugh causing him to frown.

"Collin is fine. He is sleeping around and having his dreams come true." I smiled sadly. I was happy for Collin, because it's easy for him to act like a regular guy there. Out here though in the forest, it's overwhelming to think about all the things that can go wrong and why we are here in the first place.

"Collin's dream is to have a normal life?" Harry asked breaking me from thought.

"No." I shook my head. "That was always my dream, his dream is to be able to have his pick of multiple girls for months on end." This caused Harry to laugh. He lightly squeezed my hand.

"Why can't you have a normal life?" He asked softly.

"No one leaves Phoenix alive Harry." I opened the door to the cabin and grabbed my phone.

He gave me a sad look but didn't press. "So when do I get to meet them?"

"They haven't told me yet." I sat on the couch and leaned my head on him. He stroke my hair a few times before kissing the top of my head.

"It'll turn out fine." He whispered already knowing my fears. I sighed softly.

" They want me to go do a job tonight." I said after a moment of silence. I felt him stiffen under me.  "It's for Rebecca. I'll be back by the morning. You'll barely even know I was gone." I reassured him.

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