Chapter 10

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I finally escaped April and Rebecca's clutches from our shopping trip. I had promised them that I'd meet them in my dorm room to get ready for this party. Why was I going? Cause I need to get this mission done with. I opened my car door to hear yelling. With a sigh I walked over to check it out.

"Then why is she ignoring you?" I heard Collins voice. He sounded pretty ticked off, the poor sucker. I should calm him down before he kills the fool. I stepped around his car to see him slamming Harry against his own car. I saw red, before I could stop myself I swept Collins legs causing him to tumble to the ground.

"Rox....Roxanne?" I heard Harry question behind me. "What's happening?"

"What the heck Roxanne?!" Collin said shocked. I have never hit him before, not unless it was for his benefit. I turned around and grabbed Harry's hand dragging him behind me keeping my eyes locked on the threat, Collin.

When Collin was no longer in sight everything that just happened came flooding back to me. I really just hurt the last friend I have for some guy I just met. I looked at Harry and felt myself torn about staying or going back to Collin. No, Roxanne, Collin is family. I mentally reprimanded myself.

"Be careful Harold." I mumbled before turning around to walk away. I felt his hand on my shoulder and I froze.

"Roxy, are you really ignoring me?" He whispered. I looked back into his sad eyes and felt myself hesitating.

"Why do you care?" I didn't understand the man in front of me no one ever showed me kindness except Collin and... and Mark. Even they only did it out of pity.

"Because.... because you are...." He sighed frustrated before pulling me into him. I stiffened at first, but he just held me. I didn't push him away but I didn't pull him closer either. For the first time in a long time I felt...... vulnerable. He pulled away and brushed a tear I hadn't realized I shed. He took something out of his pocket and pressed it into my hand. "You left this by the way." I stuffed it in my pocket already knowing what it was with out looking at it. "Can you explain that night to me?"

I stared into his eyes and wasn't sure what to say. If I tell him about me I out Collin as well. If I tell him and they find out....... They'll kill all of us. I knew all the reasons I should just ignore him or lie to him. But I'm distracted with out him and lying to him hasn't seemed an option lately. I felt him stiffen against me. I heard a cough behind me and pulled away to see Collins.

"Explain what?" He asked looking at me. I looked at Collin and felt myself harden a little scared what he'd tell Boss.

"Mark bugged me and followed me when I was training Harry." I lied, now only if I could do it with Harold. "I heard him and had Harry hide, but Mark said some stuff." I looked Collin in the eye. He'll probably ask Harold what he heard then make up a lie. Collin kept staring at me before a huge grin spread on his face. He threw his arm around Harold.

"You see Harold." He gave me his boyish smile letting me know he knew exactly what he was doing. I started to relax til he said the next sentence. "We are undercover agents from a secret program that trains kids to kill people." He said it to fast for me to even attempt to stop him.

Harry's eyes widened. I glared at Collin. "What the fuck Collin!" He just shrugged and waved before taking off leaving me and Harold behind.

"Is it true?" Harry asked staring at me. I nodded slowly. "Who are you here to kill then?"

"Not sure yet. Someone threatening Rebecca and her mother." I answered. I'm going to kill Collins.

"So your like a superhero?" He asked frowning.


"Well are you... the agency good people?" He asked. I looked at him for a long time. Were the people I worked for good? I never thought to ask..... We are saving Rebecca but isn't that just to protect the Program.

"I... I don't know. Maybe." I answered honestly.  He nodded seeming to understand.

"What about your family?" He asked. "Collin said you were trained since kids are your parents there?"

"No, Collins parents are dead. I don't know anything about mine."

"Ok." He said quietly looking at his feet. It was quiet for a while til he looked up at me suddenly with determination in his eyes. "Well I did say I wanted to know everything about you." I smiled feeling relieved and something else I couldn't quite name.

"Well there's not much more to tell..... but Harry, you can't let anyone know that you know. Collin shouldn't of told you." I spoke letting the worry show in my voice.

"I figured, tell and you'd have to kill me." He said it like it was a joke, so I grabbed his face and forced him to look at me.

"If they find out you know they'll kill me and Collin as well. Collin put all of our lives in your hands." I said sternly


Harry's POV

I know any normal person would be scared of the girl sitting in front of me, but for some reason I just felt even closer to her. The fact she kills didn't bother me one bit because for some reason I knew she'd never hurt me. We decided to go to my dorm so I could ask more questions. Turns out she was the out cast there. Though she hasn't said it, it sounds like this boss guy has something against her.

"So you don't remember anything about your past?" I asked.

She shook her head. "Mark gave me a photo of them before I came here that's all I know. There was a part of our training where anyone with parents that were alive had to kill them after gathering intelligence about them. Most of their parents were criminals or corrupted government officials."

"So people they wouldn't be proud of?" I questioned.

"Yea, well the ones that were alive that is. Collins dad was FBI and his mom had been a humans rights activist or something like that. They apparently both died before he was taken. His mom died from child birth and father died in action, that's all Collins had said." She trailed off looking out the window.

"So you couldn't find anything?" I pressed.

"I.... I was dismissed from the assignment to train with my old mentor." For a second I thought I saw a flash of sadness but it fled to fast for me to be sure.

" So whose Mark?" I asked the one question that's been bugging me since we left the lake. Was he her boyfriend? She tensed at the question.

" He use to be my friend..... but now I don't know......" She turned her gaze towards me and I could see the hurt in her eyes. She has been slowly letting me see her emotions, but only for a second before she goes back to being stone cold. I took her hand in mine.

We sat there in silence, letting our thoughts mull over. She's told me so much in the last hour. It felt almost like a dream. Suddenly, her phone went off. She looked at the screen that read REBECCA.  She quickly answered it. Her voice changed drastically to a chirper version like she had no care in the world.

"Hey, Becca What's up?" She greeted happily. "No. Oh gosh. I'm so sorry. No don't worry I'll meet you there. Yea. Hey, I'm going to bring a friend with me. No their cool. Alright call you when I get there. Bye girls." She hung up the phone and glanced at me, her mask falling away.

"You got to go?" I asked sadly.

She nodded. " I was suppose to meet them over an hour ago." I nodded and got up to walk her to her dorm. I stopped at my door when I noticed she wasn't following me. I looked back to see she looked nervous.

" You okay, Roxy?" I asked walking closer to her.

" Um.. Yea... Hey would you like to come to a party with us? I mean you don't have to stay with us, but..." She stared to ramble. I smiled stopping her.

"Sure, why not?" I spoke nervo

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