Chapter 23

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A/N: new format :)


It's been a total of three weeks, six days, and fourteen hours since Kayla left me here in the flat alone with Rose. My whole life, I never imagined it could be this hard for someone to take care of a little toddler. I never knew so much was necessary, I had to actually research everything right, especially the potty training, and that was the least bit pleasant. And even worse, there was this one time where I actually had to call Liam over to help me with feeding Rose. Believe it or not, that wasnt' the worst part. Afterwards, I got a huge lecture about how I always do things without thinking, which was true but at that time I just didn't want to admit it.

True, I know and I regret breaking up with Kayla but I didn't know she would take it this seriously. It wasn't like her to just storm out and then leave her kid, our kid, with me. And I know she'es staying with her mum but I'm just too much of a wuss to go over there and go on my knees for her because I finally realized by breaking up with her, I've not only destroyed our relationship, but also our friendship.

"Louis?" Harry screamed from outside the door. He didn't even bother waiting for a reply, he just barged in. How rude are people these days? Very.

"What the hell do you want?" I said as I bounced Rose up and down gently in my arms.

"Awe someone's still upset over Kayla," Harry teased. "Just go and apologize and instead of a relationship, why don't you start by being friends again?"

"It's not that easy dumbarse." I mentally groaned at myself. How could I, Louis Tomlinson be possibly this stupid? Whenever I'm around Kayla, I can't be normal, I can't be myself and it gets me so upset.

"It is," Right about now, he's going to use the "remember when Jenny and I" saying. "Remember when Jenny and I were like, well, we hated each other?" I nodded. That was just three weeks, six days, and fourteen hours ago. Right after Kayla stormed out, Harry had come in all happy and ecstatic screaming that he was with Jenny for real. "All you have to do is apologize, an actual decent apology."

"Okay then, let me just text her and say th-" Harry cut me off by snatching my phone away from me.

"Are you crazy or what?" He looked at me with concern, actual concern. "It has to be in person stupid. Kayla's just going to be more pissed."

"But I don't wanna talk to her," I whined.

"Louis, you sound like Rose." Rose nodded in agreement and clapped her hands together. "You miss her don't you?" I nodded. "You still love her don't you?" I nodded again. "Then go and win her back before she finds someone else."

Maybe Harry was right. The thought of Kayla with another guy was terrifying. Maybe I do need to man up. I learned the lesson of 'think before you do" the hard way. I broke up with Kayl without thinking and now, in order to fight for what I want, in order to fight for her trust back, I needed to man up. In about a three second time, I manned up.

"Let's go Harry," I said, "I got nothing to lose so why not?"

"That's my boy," Harry ruffled my hair like I was some seven year old that fell of his bike.

So Rose, Harry and I got packed like sardine fish into a tiny little car as Harry kept on apologizing about how he had so much dirt in his car.

"She's staying with her mum right?" Harry asked. I nodded forgetting that he couldn't see me. "Answer the damn question."

"Yes, okay? Yes."

It took approximately twenty minutes for a car to go from my flat to Kayla's mum's, but to me, it felt like three seconds. We get in the car, stare out the window, BAM, we're there.

And then I had a feeling of anxiety and regret rush over me. "No, Harry I'm not doing this." I said in a rushed tone, "I can't, what was I thinking i the first place?"

"Okay listen, you're my best mate and I love you, but you did not just make me drive for thirty minutes."

"Twenty-five," I corrected.

"Whatever," Harry rolled his eyes, "I did not drive here with a screaming baby in my backseat for you to not go say sorry to her or at least talk to her. Now I am going to watch Rose in the car and you are going to knock on that door, do you hear me?"

Harry has become really demanding lately but I guess he's just doing it to make sure I'm happy, or maybe because he's on his man period. Either way, it's seriously getting on my nerves. I get out of that car and take some deep breaths. I slam the car door shut as hard as possible getting a yell from Harry. My palms were sweaty and I was freaking out on the inside. I couldn't do this, could I? I clenched one of my hands into a fist and knocked on the door. The door opens and I see a surprised Kayla staring at me with her mouth hanging wide open.

A/N: im so sorry cuz this is like short and i havent uploaded in like forever and i am soo sorry just i had like life issues and even though the actual kayla that i dedicated to and i arent exactly friedns anymore im still going to keep on writing this because this story is my life ;) ily and i hope u like the new theme -ashley (enjoy the picture of louis on the side )

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