Chapter 3

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I opened my eyes to see a blackish-brownish haired girl looking weirdly at me.

"Boo, she's awake." The girl smiled sympathetically at me then left. I slowly sat up and observed my surroundings. I was in a bedroom, there were pictures of Louis and the rest of One Direction. And then there were some of just him. But one picture caught my eye. It was a picture of me and Louis. On the beach. I was on his shoulders and he was almost about to fall over. The sun was setting in the background and the ocean was still. I miss those days. The days when we would tell each other everything. And the other one would comfort and listen to the other one. But things will never be like that. People change. For the better, and for the worse.

"Hey Kayla," Louis was standing by the door. "You want to know what happened?" I nodded slowly. Louis took a breath then started. "So that waiter was being a pain in the arse and made me completely mad and then he punched me and then." He stopped for a second.

"He punched me," I finished for him. He slowly nodded. "I have a question Louis."

"Hit me." He said.

"Why did you help me? I thought you hated me." I was so confused. One day he calls me a slut and the next he literally saved my life.

"I did it." He sighed before continuing. "Because I can't just let someone, no matter how much I hate them, die. Kayla, you know how I am."

"So you hate me?" I was dying to know the answer.

"No. I'm neutral." He said. That made me feel slightly better. But not much.

"Okay. So can you please explain to me why I'm here?" I asked.

"You blacked out and since my flat was closer, I carried you here." He replied.

"Oh." That's all I could think of saying.

"Yeah," he replied. And then there was a awkward silence. What was up with these awkward silences? He strolled around the room and went to pick up the picture of us at the beach a few years ago. "Remember this? When I bought you those plane tickets for California."

"Yeah." I smiled. He put the picture down and went into one of the drawers. He picked up a photo album and plopped onto the bed right next to me. It had all of the pictures starting from our very first date. Louis had taken me to an Italian restaurant and stuffed a meatball into my bra when I wasn't paying attention. I was laughing so hard in that picture while Louis was across the table smiling innocently.

The next picture was one of me at the mall. I never knew he took this picture. I was facing all the stores with shopping bags in my hand. I had my sunglasses on and my sunflower dress.

"I remember that," Louis murmured.

"Same," I agreed. "By the way who was that girl that was in my room when I woke up?" I decided to change the subject since I didn't want to burst into tears in front of Louis yesterday.

"Oh that was Maddy." Louis said. "Niall's girlfriend."

"Is it for management?" I asked. Well that was a stupid question Kayla.

"No. But there's this other girl, Jennifer, we call her Jenny, she's dating Harry, and it's for management. We all love Jenny but Harry for some reason, that we don't know, hates her." Louis said.

"I would love to meet them." I smiled.

"Hold on a sec love. I'll call them over." I felt his weight life of the bed as he stepped out of my room.

"Hi!" The girl who was in my room when I woke up squealed. "I'm Maddy." She was really pretty. Her almost black hair had light hints of brown and it went down to her bum.

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