Chapter 21

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Everyone was asleep on the floor and here I am, awake as ever. Damn you Redbull. I feel jumpy, I feel like I can do anything. I can jump of a cliff, I can juggle knives, anything really. What was on my mind was Harry, and Cory. I liked Cory, but I may be in love with Harry. Yes, Harry Styles, the bastard that treated my like crap. He was acting so nice to me, I don't know my own feelings. It's a love hate relationship. I loved Harry, but hated him at the same time. Is this even normal?

I was so hyped about nothing in particular. Once again, thank you Redbull. Note the obvious sarcasm. I was bored as hell. I looked over at Violet who was sleeping next to me. I don't get why Kayla was being so nice. I mean, there's just something not right about her, maybe she was like a Kailyn number two. I noticed she had left her purse on the couch to play the twenty questions game, so I went over and picked it up.

I dumped all the contents on the couch, careful not to make a sound. Let's see, she has pads, makeup, tissues, money, and her phone. A girl's pads are important but I decided that Violet's phone would be the logical thing to look through. I pressed the home button hoping she didn't have a pass code or something. Thank the Lord she didn't, but that was so stupid of her. I mean, who doesn't have a pass code on their phone?

Everything on her phone was pretty normal, the usual, Tumblr, Music, Safari, Instagram, Twitter, and some stupid games. I went through every single application she installed. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. She seemed normal to me, ugh. I seriously thought she had a secret.

What a horrible friend I am god fu-

"Jenny?" I heard a voice behind me. I quickly threw the phone back into the purse, but the other things were still splattered on the couch.

"Yeah?" I whispered.

"What are you doing with my purse?" Violet asked with not much alarm, but shock.

"Erm, period, pad." I lied.

"Oh, no problem, you could've asked you know?" She chuckled.

"I didn't want to wake you," I lied again.

"Just go to bed," Violet said before handing me a pad and falling onto the couch.

There was absolutely no way I was going to bed because

A) I was still hyper from the Redbull

B) I had too many thoughts on my mind

My mind was swirling in thoughts and my heart was beating way too fast. Does Harry love me? Do I love him? Does Cory like me? Do I like Cory or Harry? What if I fall for the wrong guy? What if none of them like me? What if they secretly hate me? So many questions in my mind, the type of questions that make my heart swell with love then explode with heartbreak. I just, I don't know anymore. I'm so some with everything. Maybe Violet was right, all I needed was a good nights rest, but I was still hyped. I forced myself to find a place on the couch that wasn't taken by anyone, laid down and stared at the ceiling. My eyelids slowly drooped and I was left in pitch black nothing. The beautiful black.


I wake up, no, not to the beautiful sound of birds chirping but to the horrendous sound of a screaming three year old. My hair was a bloody mess, my ringlets all tangled with each other, and my purple blouse and jeans from yesterday were cringed. I looked awful.

"Stop crying," Kayla begged.

"I WANT VIOLET!" I'm guessing Violet had left early in the morning, "VIOLET I WANT VIOLET!" Rose sniffled.

"Come to daddy Rosie Posie!" Louis baby-talked. Kayla handed Rose to Louis and she immediately stopped crying and screaming.

"You're kidding," Kayla groaned.

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