Chapter 22

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When Louis and I come back with Rose from our little date, I have this strange warm feeling inside of me I haven't felt in forever. It was like I couldn't stop smiling and whenever I tried to stop, it resulted in my laughing and Louis looking at me as if I just took a selfie with a knife.

As I enter the kitchen, I drop the picnic basket on the counter along with my leather purse, jacket, and phone. Rose immediately runs into a room and jumps on the bed and falls asleep. Louis walks slowly through the door his eyes glued to the phone.

His eyes are smoldering and his lips a tight frown. He scrolls down his phone and then stops and looks up at me.

"Kayla, I think we should see different people." Louis says. Really, all of a sudden. Um hello Louis, did you forget we just went on a cute little date? Did we just throw that down the drain?

"Yeah," was the only thing I could think of saying. I grab my phone and my purse and walk out the door leaving Louis staring at the wall. We just went on a freaking date! Why this all of a sudden? I called Jenny and we met up at a coffee shop.

I was trying my best not to burst into tears. I kept my face straight because I knew if I even tried to speak, I'd break. Sometimes, I had thought that I never really liked Louis. Sure, we were high school sweethearts but we've grown and changed. I didn't know my feelings torwards him, but now I do. I love him, and I loved him. I'm feeling nostalgic. When I had him, I didn't want him, but when I don't, I can't live without him.

I pushed the coffee shop door open resulting in the jingling of the bell hanging out the door.

"Kayla over here!" I caught Jenny waving her hand at me. I sighed and pulled on the best smile I could have during this situation.

I pulled my chair out and plopped onto it. "What's wrong." She asked.

"Nothing. Why would there be?" I ask questiongly.

"You look scared." Jenny raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure?"

And that's when I broke. I'm not okay, not at all. I lost the man I love, the one I didn't know how much I loved until now. I could feel my heart breaking. There was this horrible aching in it that I couldn't make out and it would come and go. But right now, it's staying and I assume it will be in my heart for a little bit longer. I emerged into thousands of sobs and little shrieks. I covered my mouth with my hands still shocked that I let this boy affect me so much.

See, that's the problem with me. I rely too much on other people. I want to buy my own place, live in my own flat, get a job. I rely too much on others and that's not okay.

"Kayla?" Jenny interrupted my thoughts which I thank her for. "Are you going to tell me why you're crying?"

"Louis broke up with me," I sniffed. I proceeded to tell her about how it was a nice date we had and how he slid his arm around me and then the painful part about when he was looking at his phone and then dumped me.

"You don't need him and his ugly hair." Jenny said in a humorous tone. And I actually sort of believed her. What if I do need him though? No Kayla, no, Jenny is right.

"I wonder why." I said getting ready to go into another long train of thought.

"I think I do." Jenny sighed.

"What? How?" I asked.

"Maddy told me a few days ago that there were rumors that the baby wasn't Louis's and that he was going to ask you. I never knew he was going to break up with you. I'm so sorry." And then anger welled up inside of me. Why would Maddy keep important information like this from me?

My heart now has this constant aching I cannot get rid of and it's driving me bloody insane. By this time, I felt hatred, so much hatred for Louis, yet I feel like I still have feelings for him and I don't know what to do with my life now. I'm a disappointment, I couldn't even keep the boy I love. If I couldn't do a task that simple, what could I do? Nothing.

I groan causing people to turn my way in the shop, and then I bury my face into the sleeves of my sweatshirt. I squeezed my eyes shut hoping this was all a dream, that this never happened, that this was fake. But I knew it wasn't fake, no, this is not fake, this is one hundred percent real.

"I'm going to go," I say not even bothering to hear Jenny's reply. I'm going to start a new life, whether people like it or not.


Kayla just stormed out of the room angry. No, I'm the one that should be angry, not her. She lied to me, twice. She said the baby was mine, and it's not. She's probably just trying to draw attention and get me back. She probably didn't even like me.

But the way she looked when I told her we should see different people, her eyes filled with sadness, longing, and hatred. The hatred scared me the most. I know Kayla and when she hates, there isn't a way for her to stop, unless you were very close to her, for example, Violet.

But me, I've hurt her so many times in the short period we met again. How is she supposed to last a lifetime with me-you know what? I just need a break, a break from Kayla, from everything. Too much is too much. The boys and I are going back on tour in about a month and I wanted company from a girl.

I'm moving on, or at least I hope so.


A/N: This is short because the next part will be like 7 months later and some stuff yeah yeah yeah so I'm sorry ahahahah lol ily. Oh by the way, this breakup chapter has been inspired by my now ex boyfriend who broke up with me a little more than two weeks ago. :(


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