Chapter 26

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Safire P.O.V.


I had a really hard time falling asleep last night.

I felt really lonely, like I was missing something....... two somethings.

Frisk and Chara are those somethings.

Apparently, they felt this way too, since they called me in the middle of the night. It was convenient that they sleep in the same room or else we would have to do a conference call and those never work.

We didn't talk really.

Well we did, a little. We talked about sister stuff, like crushes.

Chara told us that Asriel was "swooned by her serenading".

Though Frisk and I didn't believe her, she said they were going on a date tomorrow so I guess it worked.

We finally convinced Frisk to fess up to her crush on Monster Kid. We already knew, of course, but we wanted her to say it herself.

I told them that Sans is a skeleton (even though I know that's not what they wanted to hear, I wasn't going to tell them we were dating just yet) and then we just went sleep listening to each other's breathing. As weird as it sounds, it lets you know that they're there. You aren't stalking them.

When I woke up I ended the call, got up and stretched. I walked down the hall to Chelsea's room to see if she was awake.

She wasn't so I woke her. She saw herself in the mirror, as a skeleton, and turned back at me asking in a sleepy voice "awe you shur I'm awake?"

I nod and she smiles a sleepy smile before yawning and heading to the bathroom.

I walked over to Papyrus's room and saw Sans inside.

I looked down and decided I would greet Paps downstairs, since I was still in my pj.


"As a celebration for our skeletal family, I think I'm going to make pancakes."

"What about Mommy and Daddy?"

I look back at Chels with sad eyes. I crouch down to her level, "your mommy and daddy thought that me and Sans were a mommy and daddy so they said that you're gonna stay with us and they are gonna explore the world."

She looked a little sad, "so I won't see them again?"

I shake my head and whisper, "don't tell Sans, but you can sleep in my room with me whenever you get sad or you just want to hang out, ok?"

She smiles and nods.

I stand and go over to the kitchen to start making pancakes.

Our lives just turned on this rollercoaster, but we'll be ok.





Everything will be ok...


"Paps its a celebration let the girl cook"

"Yeah listen to Sans brudder, he is da daddy and Safiwe is da mommy."

Sans blushes and looks at me. I wink and mouth 'I'll explain later'. He nods and sits down.














yes, everything will be ok.

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