Chapter 9

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??? P.O.V.

*you really are a stupid girl. Do you really believe he loves you? You wore the most revealing pajamas you had. That's why he said he loves you. Stupid little girl.


*don't defend your self. Just know you've been warned. And he'll love the real you


*I'm sorry, what did you say? 'That's the real you' please. Don't make me laugh. I mean the way you were born. The way WE were born


*of course its different now. Mom's gone, dad's dead and you have a 'life'. But you and I were born, how do I put it, in a different timeline. You know what I mean. Sans lost his magic, so he can't remember them anymore. You can. I can too. We are twins after all. Well, not really. But thats for another story.


*it IS weird. A skeleton and a demon child, born of the same blood. You were a bare boned baby, literally. I had.....well, you already know what I look like. Remember what mom said before she left after the divorce? 'I don't want to deal with monsters and demons. I don't need them ruining my life anymore.'


*i lived with Aunt Toriel. When she died, I left the ruins on my own. I found you and snuck into your house.  I caught a terrible flu and died over night. I used the remnants of my soul and attached them to you. We were connected at birth, and we are connected in life too. You may have temporarily lost your powers and grown skin, and your facade might have even lasted a little longer.  But with my demonic aura attached to yours, you'll be back to normal in no time.


*oh I can't do that. I am dead after all. All I can do is talk to you. I have no power over you. But I will be stronger by the time you return to your original form. I may even be able to talk to you while your in a conscious state. For now though, this is the best I can do. Now, you better wake up. The hangover wore off an hour ago, so if you sleep any longer they might think your dead. Besides, there's a little surprise left for you when you wake up. Bye for now...........................................................................

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