Chapter 10

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Asleceh P.O.V.


HZMH- "go in there and lie next to Safire. Don't let her figure out who you are until the very last second."
ASLECEH- "you got it dude"

Your P.O.V

You woke up with a start. Everything around you was the same. You lied back down. "Ssaaaaannsssyyy" ...... "Y-yea" the voice that replied sounded like a little girl trying to speak with a deep voice. You heard them stifle their giggles and say. "Yes hello there babe I am sans and I am daddy and you are mommy and Chelsea is baby." You started to blush......wait. Why would Sans say that. He's waaay to shy to put that in a sentence. Also,,, THIS IMPOSTER CALLED ME BABE. SANS WOULD NEVER DO THAT. "SSSSAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" You screamed at the top of your lungs. You picked up the imposter, Chelsea........ And tried to get up. It felt like someone punched me in the gut.............. You had a sudden craving for donuts and you hate, hate, HATE donuts. Oh no.
A/N- y'all already know what's next..............and if you don't and your a girl who DOESNT have some health problem that stops them from getting this, then you are very, very lucky(but at the same time not really because you cant make the babies. Every action has an equal and opposite rwaction, as Newton's law states). If your a guy who doesn't know,prepare yourself.


You dropped Chelsea on the bed and ran to the bathroom to check. It was true. You screamed even louder than before. You ran to the bed and covered yourself under the covers. It's gonna be a long week.

A/N- hehehehhehehehehe author-chan is EeEeEeEvVvVvVvVvIiIiIiLlLl....... If you know me in real life then you know this is true when I need to be......................I can make your life a living hell if necessary. But that's only if you give me a reason.......... Or you just look annoying. Only a select few *cough cough* my "brother" *cough cough* friends see that side of me. K BAAAAAAYYYYYYEEEEEEE

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