Chapter 20

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Sans P.O.V.

After the date, Y/n teleports us home. When she turned her back, I bolted out the door to Dr. G.

Man, running is hard!

I burst inside, "Yo G! You think you could, uh, undo, this human thing?"

There was a crash before he responded, "what, this girl didn't like you?"

I blushed, "no, no. It's just that um.... she's kind of a skeleton now soooooo."

G comes over and rolls his eyes, "lovesick..."


After a long and extensive procedure......

I'm still a human.

"Alright you can't see anyone who would get you overly emotional for two days so stay away from people like Frisk, your brother Papyrus, and ESPECIALLY this girl."

OK but do you think I could have a potion that works immediately for someone that was 'born' a human?"

Dr. G looks at my oddly.

I was thinking of bringing papyrus back to skeleton form since he was raised from the dead as a human.

I told him this and he said" yeah sure whatever. I'll give it to you in two days. That way it will be done working when you give it to him."

I nod and start to walk out the door.

"Actually... can you make two?"

He grumbles a response as I walk out.

I wouldn't want to leave Chelsea out.

After walking FOREVER.... I climb up to the window of my bedroom and peek in.

Luckily, Safire isn't inside.

I scramble in and shut the window.

I close the blinds and lock my bedroom door.

I just hope Safire doesn't teleport into my room.

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