Chapter 1-Your first day

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Someone told me that you don't remember being born. I know that it happens, but all the memories of you being a baby, your brain just doesn't process them. The crib you slept in, the food you ate, the stuffed animals you slept with, all of it. You're child mind can't pick up on details like that. It doesnt remember the creak your mattress makes under you when you toss in your sleep. It doesnt remember the laughter of your parents when you can't seem to figure out how to hold a spoon for dinner. You can't remember the way the light filters through the leaves on the trees when your older sibling pushes you on the swings, and you're so young you can barely hold your head up. Eventually, that changes. You remember things up to a certain point, but its usually when you're around two years old, and everything before then is just a missing piece of your life.

Until then, its just, emptiness.

You can't remember a specific memory at all. You just know that you're alive. You start to realize that you're your own person, and your brain makes memories.

Normally, someone reminds you of the things you did when you were younger, they tell you stories, and show you pictures. Take you back to where you ate your first ice cream cone and threw bread to the ducks in the pond. They help you remember, and if you can't, they fill in the missing pieces for you.

But see, that's not how it went for me.

I never had a mom to hold me, or a dad to teach me sports. I never had an older sibling to play at the playground with, or a younger sibling to have tea parties with. I never had a dog that would play fetch with me, and I never had a best friend.

I just had the darkness. It was all I could remember. I know that I had a life, and I knew that I had memories hidden in my brain somewhere, but I couldn't remember them at all.

It was like being an infant again.

And it was terrifying.




Except, I didn't have the comforting touch of a mom to calm me down. All I had was the pitch black around me, like I was asleep. Like I was in some nightmare where my brain knows I'm asleep but won't let me wake up. I don't even know how long I laid there, just me and my empty thoughts.

All I could think, or hear, was voices bouncing around in my brain.

"Chancellor Paige, subject 17 is here."

"Officer Brandon, how many times must I remind you that is no longer her name. We assigned her one. From now on her name is Emmy. Emmy Noether."

I hear footsteps. Footsteps echoing down a hallway. The click clicking of high heels on a tile floor, echoing throughout the emptiness in my chest.

"Come here Emmy. You're going to help us, right? You're going to help us save the world."

"Chancellor Paige, isn't she a bit young to ask her questions like that?"

"No. She's 4, that's old enough."

"I don't know if-"

"Shut up, Brandon. She's perfectly capable. I know she is."

And that's it. The only memory I have.

Of some woman I don't even know calling my name, and her saying I'm four years old. Everything else, I can't remember. Just like being a child again.

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