Chapter 21 - spin the bottle

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I can't help but smile at her words they're some what soothing to my ears. I hope she doesn't look up to see how red my cheeks are. When I look at her she is again, starring at the game of beer pong in front of us. Before I know it she's walking towards one of the girls and asking if she could give it a go. I give her a confused look but she just begins setting up the cups.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I ask watching her carefully as she pours beer into the plastic red cups.

"Afraid I might win?" She says with a smirk.

I smile at her but stay silent. I don't like the idea of Mia drinking, but at least I could keep an eye on her. There's something bothering her I can see it in her eyes. I just wish she would talk to me about it instead of drinking.


There are a couple cups still placed in front of Mia, and only one in front of the girl she is playing against. The girl is a couple inches taller then Mia and has copper colored hair. Her eyes are a light shade of blue, and they are heavily lined with eyeliner making them pop even more. I watch as Mia throws the ping pong ball with a flick of the wrist into the last cup and the girl rolls her eyes as Mia squeals jumping into my arms in victory. For a moment I forget about what I was thinking about and pull her in tighter. When she pulls away embarrassment is clear on her face.

"Oh, um... Sorry." She says running a nervous hand through her hair.

You could tell she's been drinking by her nervous giggling.

"It's alright." I reassure her Smiling as she looks at the ground.

Her face seems to glow in this light and I can't take my eyes off of her. She's addicting, like alcohol she's in my veins she flows through like blood. I never want to go sober. I break away from my thoughts when I see her looking over at someone as if she's a deer in head lights. When I look up I see Liam walking towards us his fists clenched against his sides. I can see the anger in his eyes that the smile on his face can't hide.

"Mia? Niall didn't tell me you were here." He says smiling at her.

"Oh...yeah." She answers quietly leaning to one side slightly.

Liam looks at me with a smirk before putting his arm around Mia's shoulder and whispering something into her ear. I feel my jaw clench as I watch his hands around her. I don't want anyone touching her like this, especially not Liam. He continues to whisper to her walking back into the house. I quickly follow them into a room with a couple of Liam's friends sat on the floor, an empty bottle in the middle of them.

"It will be fun, yeah?" Liam asks Mia gesturing her to sit down.

She nods but the look on her face is uneasy, I can tell she's uncomfortable with whatever Liam's doing. The thought of her not feeling well makes me want to pick her up and take her home with me.

I walk further into the room until Liam turns around and looks at me.

"Will you be joining us then?" Liam asks.

I want to say no but there is a pleading look on Mia's face.

I walk over and sit in an empty space around the empty bottle. There are three more people around us two girls and a guy in the year below us. They are all starring at Liam as if he's there leader. The rug is dirty and damp and it smells of alcohol. When I look at Mia she has the same uneasy look on her face.

"Alright, spin the bottle who's going first?" Liam says drawing Mia's attention to him.

"I'll go." One of the girls says and without warning she spins the bottle until it lands on the guy she is sat next to. I am relieved that it wasn't me, the girl is pretty but I could never kiss her. Not when I have these feelings for Mia and she's sitting right here with me.

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