Chapter 17 - some confessions and a kiss

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As we lay side by side starring out the window. Looking at all the stars in our view. No one is speaking I can hear Harry's breathing as his chest rises and falls. Our hands are so close to each other yet aren't touching. I plan on telling Harry about Lucas but I can't seem to find the words. I want to get the memories with Lucas off my chest and I trust Harry. I'm not sure why, but I have a lot of trust in him he makes me feel safe, like I'm untouchable when I'm with him. I decide I'm going to try now that I'm calm. He told me to explain when I was ready and I think I am.

"Harry?" I begin.


"Lucas, he used to be a friend of my brothers before we moved."I continue. Harry turns his head to face me and nods.

"He would come over all the time, sometimes even when my brother wasn't home. I didn't understand why but my brother thought that Lucas began to gain feelings for me. He would tell me he liked me and kiss me all the time, and eventually we began dating. We dated for about a month until he started getting jealous of my friends. I didn't have many friends, he would threaten all of them except my best friend her name was Abby. She didn't like Lucas at all she thought he was bad news. I never told Abby that he used to hurt me both physically and mentally, but I stayed with him, because he made me believe that no one else could ever love me. When I finally ended it with him, that night he had come to my house drunk, no one was home yet and he threatened to kill me then he'd taken advantage of me. Ever since that night my life has gone down hill. My only friend Abby was sent away to a mental hospital and I was alone I would always go to party's and get drunk not remembering a thing when I woke up. This went on for a while until I decided to stop I knew none of it was good for me. My mother had noticed I was unhappy, so she bought a house in this town and we packed up and moved here." When I'm done spilling my guts to Harry I realize there are tears coming from my eyes. Harry sits up and takes my hand pulling me up so I am facing him. He wipes a tear falling form my eye before speaking.

"I would never let anyone hurt you." He whispers coming closer to me tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear with one hand. And cuffing my right cheek with the other hand. I look into his glassy eyes which look greener then usual. He plants a kiss on my lips. I feel forces of electricity run up and down my body. I have been longing for Harry to kiss me again since the first time he did.


As the words slowly seep out of her pale light red lips I watch her glassy eyes. They are placed so perfectly on her flawless face. Right above her perfectly carved cheek bones which are a shade of pink. I listen to every word that comes out of her mouth. Carefully studying the way her lips move as the words roll off her tongue. Taking in all of her memories as if I had lived them, with every word spoken I feel my self longing for her. I want to hold her and tell her everything's okay.

She's sad you can tell by the look in her eyes and the way she flinches if you get to close to her she seems scared, or broken. When she begins getting into further detail about Lucas I feel anger rush through my body. Thoughts of what I would do to Lucas if he ever touched her again fill my mind. Until I am brought back by her voice. I now realize that I can't imagine her with anyone else, I want to be able to call her mine.

"I would never let anyone hurt you." Just as the words leave my mouth. I sit up and pull her to face me. Looking at her perfectly sculpted lips before parting my lips slightly. Leaning in towards her our lips slightly touching, but enough to make me feel as if I'm walking on air.

Everything feels right in this moment and I couldn't be more scared, because I was falling in love hard and I could feel it in my bones. After placing another kiss on her forehead she rested her head against my chest. I felt her breathing slowdown as her eyes became heavy, eventually closing.

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