Chapter 7 - a kiss on the cheek

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The expression on Liam's face is blank, he looks at me and I look back at him. He immediately looks at Harry and walks into the room towards me.

His expression changes and be smiles when he reaches me.

"Mia! I'm so glad to see you, are you ready for tonight?"

"Tonight?" Harry's says still standing at the door.

"Mia and I are going out to eat with some friends. She didn't tell you?" Liam says with a smirk on his face.

"Who where you talking about?" I blurt.

"Oh no one, it's just a joke Harry and I have that's all, so shall we go?" Liam says reaching for my hand.

I look at Harry waiting for him to confirm Liam's statement.

"Yeah, sure a joke." Harry says sarcastically.

"See, so shall we go then?" Liam says quickly.

"Only If it's okay with Harry."

"Why does it matter if-" Liam begins to say.

"It's fine." Harry says looking at the floor.

"Great then let's go! Chloe is waiting." Liam says taking my hand.

"I'll see you later Harry." I manage to say before Liam practically pulls me out the door.

"-Yeah -whatever." Harry says before closing the door.

The car ride is quiet but not really awkward. The thought of who Liam was talking about begins to take over my thoughts. I know it wasn't a joke, there's some strange tension between Harry and Liam that I don't understand.

"Can I ask you something?" I say breaking the silence.

"Of course." Liam says and smiles.

"Who where you really talking about?"

"Mia I told you." his smile fades.

"Tell me the truth."

"Alright, I was talking about you."

My heart nearly stops as I remember the tone Liam was speaking to Harry in.


"Yes, Harry's not exactly who you think he is."

"What are you talking about?"

I'm so confused but I knew there was something between Liam and Harry.

"Listen, last year Harry's girlfriend Ashley was her name passed and ever since then he wasn't interested in relationships. He only hooked up with girls. When I heard he was talking to you I didn't want you to get hurt. "

"Oh, I didn't know."

Part of me doesn't want to believe that's not true about Harry, but for some reason I believe Liam.

"It's alright enough of that, let's go have fun okay?" Liam's smile reassures me as we walk into the restaurant. Chloe and a boy are sitting in a booth next to each other.

The boy has perfect blonde hair I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. He's flawless just like Chloe.

We sit down at the table across from them and Chloe introduces me to her boyfriend.

"This is Chad" she says eager to show him off.

"Hi, I'm Mia."

"Yes of course Liam never shuts up about you." The perfect boy says back.

I look over at Liam his face is red. I just smile as the waitress walks over and takes our order.


"He was drop dead gorgeous Mia, I'm telling you." Chloe says as she dips another one of her fries in ketchup.

"Chlo you do know I'm your boyfriend, and I'm sitting right here." Chad says nudging her.

She rolls her eyes at him and I can't help but laugh.

I look over at Liam who is starring at me and smiling.

"Oh stop it, I can find other people attractive and so can you." Chloe defends playfully.

"So you wouldn't mind if I thought Mia had a cute laugh." He says putting his arm around her.

"Of course she wouldn't mind, it's the truth." Liam says.

I feel my cheeks changing color at his comment.

"Well it's almost nine o'clock and I have to get Chlo home before nine thirty." Chad says rolling his eyes.

"Why so early?" Liam says.

"She got her self in some trouble the other night so now that's her curfew." Chad answers.

"Come on your not still mad at me about that babe." Chloe says to Chad.

He smiles and takes her hand as they get up. Liam and I follow them out side.

We quickly say our goodbyes and I get into Liam's car.

The car ride is quiet. The radio fills the silence as I gaze out the window. Catching Liam's eyes on me every once in a while until we get to my house.

"Let me walk you to your door?" He says as I take off my seat belt.

"If you insist." I don't bother fighting his offer.

He smiles and I get out of the car as we walk to my door.

"I had a lot of fun with you tonight." He says before I could even thank him.

"I did too, thank you." I smile.

He leans in and kisses me on the cheek.

"Good night." He says and begins to walk back to his car.

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