Chapter 20 - unexpected party

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I sit down on the swings putting my phone in my pocket and kicking rocks from underneath my shoes. This is where we would go to talk, and think. I remember the way Ashley would swing like she was a child. Always filled with energy even when she couldn't be more upset. She would tell me about what was bothering her and I would try to help her. I loved her with every ounce of my self, at least I thought I did until I met Mia. Mia, she probably doesn't want anything to do with me. I must've been the reason she looked so upset this morning. I think of sending her a text but I decide against it. It's better this way, she won't get hurt this way. There's something about Mia that I can't quite shake out of my mind. When I simply glance at her my heart skips a beat. I know I should distance myself for my own good, but I can't. When I'm with her I forget about everything that's happened because it doesn't matter anymore. I could get lost in her green eyes, they have waves of brown in them causing them to look hazel at times.

I am pulled away from my thoughts by my phone ringing. The caller ID shows it's Niall. I take a deep breath before answering not wanting to sound a bit off.

"Harry! What are you doing right now?" Niall's voice quickly fills my speakers.

"Nothing, why?"

"Good, so you can come to a party then."

"A party... I don't know....."

I don't want to go to a party, I want to be with Mia.

"It's not a party exactly just a couple friends coming over to my place it'll be fine, come on!"

"Alright." I say after a moment of silence I know Niall won't take no for an answer.

"Great, come over soon then, yeah?"

"Yeah, sure." I answer before ending the call.


"But we have class tomorrow." I whine back to Kate.

"It's not a real party Mia, come on just for a couple hours!" She pleads

"I don't know Kate, I have a lot of stuff to do."I answer. I'm not in the mood for a party right now.

"Can't you ever have a little fun? I'm not taking no for an answer I'll pick you up in twenty minutes."

"Kate I really don't think-"

"I don't want to hear it Mia go get dressed! It will be fun!" Kate says before ending the call.

I sigh before getting out of bed and walking over to my closet. I pull out a black crop top and high waisted leather pants. I pull my hair into a bun because it's still wet and decide to apply some make up. When I look in the mirror I take in my reflection tracing over the scar on my hip bone before pulling my pants higher to cover it. I used to be a lot thinner then I am now. Taking one last look in the mirror before I grab my phone slipping it into my pocket and walking out the bedroom door and down the stairs.


Kate and I arrive to a fairly large house. It is light blue with a white door and trees surrounding all around it. I could hear the music inside from the driveway. A few people are out side drinking out of beer cans and red plastic cups. As we walk past them I feel like there all starring at me. When we walk through the door the house is bigger on the inside. We pass a room that looks and smells like there are drugs in there. The familiar scent causes me to scrunch my nose and cringe. It looks like a normal high school party if you ask me. There are a lot of people but not as much as there were at Liam's party. Memories from that night fill my head and I quiver, still following behind Kate. When we make our way through the house I spot Niall and he walks towards us handing me a red plastic cup. I take the cup after greeting him. I trust Niall and I don't think he would do anything to harm me.


As I'm sitting on the couch watching couples make out right in front of me, I shift in my seat feeling uncomfortable. I can't help but think of what Mia's doing right now, maybe she's here.

No, she told me she was busy tonight.

I check my phone for any messages, but when the screen is blank I slip my phone back into my pocket and sigh. I can't get Mia off my mind and it's killing me. I look up to see a girl starring at me with a smirk on her face. She moves her fringe from her eyes still looking at me. I look around the room once more before my eyes meet with hers again. She begins walking towards me her skirt is tight and rising up her thighs with every step she takes. Before I know it she is seated on the arm of the couch with her legs crossed and resting over my thighs.

"Your Harry right?" She asks her breath smells of alcohol and her bright pink lipstick is smudged.

"Yeah." I answer shifting a bit in my seat.

"I heard you have a reputation around here, people say you're dangerous." She continues to smirk resting and arm playfully on my shoulder.

"Yeah, I don't pay much attention to them." I coldly remark.

She slides down so she is now sitting on my lap both hands resting on my chest. Before I could even react I look up my eyes meeting Mia's and I feel my face flush. I feel frozen as her wide eyes take in the scenery, falling from the girl seated on my lap to me. And then she's gone. I slide from underneath the girl, ignoring whatever she was trying to say to me. I practically run into the other room hoping to find Mia. I keep going pushing through people until Niall stops me.

"Where are you running to?" Niall asks a concerned look on his face.

"Did Mia come through here?" I blurt not caring how desperate I sound.

"Yeah, she went out back that way, why?"

I ignore whatever else he says and walk past him into the back yard. I look around, it is mostly dark aside from the few lights on against the house. I look over to the beer pong table set up and see Mia standing against the wall watching as each player takes a turn. Her eyes studying each player carefully as they aim there ping pong balls.

I walk over and stand next to her watching as she does until I feel her glance at me. I look at her confusion clear on her face as she looks back at me.

"I thought you were busy tonight." I say so quietly I wonder if she heard it.

"I was, looks like you were fairly busy your self." She barley whispers before turning her head and watching the players again.

"That wasn't what it looked like."

"You don't have to explain anything to me Harry."

Her words hit me harder then they should and I find my self getting closer to her.

"But I want to."

She stays silent for a moment before looking at me confusion on her face again.

"And why where you upset this morning, it because of me?" I stutter.

Her eyes widen at my words.

"No, why would you think it was because of you?" She asks. I am almost relieved I'm not the reason for her being upset this morning.

"I just thought...maybe you wanted to forget about the whole you know, kiss." I almost regret saying it.

"I-I couldn't forget about it if I tried."

I reach for her hand grabbing it and interlocking our fingers before giving a gentle squeeze.

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