Chapter 19 - bad dreams

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When all classes are over I begin walking to my locker. I have most of my classes with Harry but I haven't spoken a word to him since this morning. I try to rid my head of any thoughts for a moment. When I reach my locker I lean against it covering my eyes with my hands and letting out a deep breath. The pain in my side has gotten worse throughout the day and I just want to go home. I open my locker and place my books onto the shelf, before closing it I check my phone.

No messages, It's better that way.

I turn and head for the doors leading to the front of the school and begin walking home.



When I walk into my mums store it's fairly busy today. I push past a few people making my way up to the room upstairs that I've claimed as mine. I can't shake the thought of Mia out of my mind. I open the door and walk over to the couch trying not to think of her. I want to talk to her about why she looked so upset this morning, but what if it's because of me. I don't want to do this to her she clearly has feelings for Liam. I should just let them be and stop messing everything up. If she knew about that night she'd never look at me the same. My own mum barley looks at me the same.

I can't sit here and keep thinking about her. She probably doesn't care for me. I have to talk to her or I'll go mad.

I stand up from the old couch and begin walking out the door.

I need to speak with her.


"Mia, where are you?"I hear a familiar voice call out my name.

I can't see anything from all of the fog. It's dark as I run towards the voice that keeps calling my name.

"Mia? Are you there." The voice keeps repeating as I begin to run faster.

I try to scream out that I'm here but I can't. My lungs won't allow it and I feel weak.

I see a figure through the fog and begin to slow down. Walking slowly to the figure. Until I'm finally face to face with her.


"Mia I've been looking for you." A smile grows on her face.

"I'm... I'm here."

She pushes a strand of hair behind her ear. I watch as her eyes sparkle in the light. It seems to shine only on her body through the fog surrounding us. Her lips tucked up at the ends in a perfect smile.

"I miss you Abby."

"Mia, your in trouble you need to be careful."

I reach out to take her hand but as soon as I do she begins to fade. A frown upon her face. I feel a slight tug on my shoulder and spin around to find Lucas in front of me. The smirk on his face makes me quiver, his grip still on my shoulder.

"Thought you could get away from me huh?" The smirk still tugging at his lips.

I try to breathe but I can't, I feel the air around us getting thicker. His other hand grabs my hip and I feel uneasy. I squirm and break from his grip running as fast as I can through the fog that has gotten worse. I begin to panic as Lucas catches up to me. I need to get away, I need to get far far away. Tears roll down my face fast and hard. The wind making them burn against my skin. I run as fast as I can until I stumble over something, falling face first onto pavement. My cheeks are soaked from my tears as I turn around to find him over my body.

My breathing becoming heavier as he comes closer to me.


I wake up sweating, my breathing is heavy and my head is spinning. My cheeks are stained with tears. I try to calm my self down but the dream felt so real.

It was no dream, it was a nightmare.

I keep picturing the smirk on his face as he grabbed me. Bringing back terrible memories. I sit up wiping my tears away trying to convince my self that I'll never see him again.

My phone begins to ring causing me to jump slightly. When I grab my phone off my side table I decide to ignore it, until I see Harry's name come up on the screen.

"Hello?" My voice comes out shaky and weak.

"Hi... Are you alright?" He


His voice makes me calm and I begin to feel a longing for him.

"Yeah I'm fine." I answer.

" you want to do something like, now?"

I remove the phone from my eye for a moment and check the time it's 6:42. I have a massive amount of school work to finish up before tomorrow.

"I can't tonight." I say pressing the phone back to my ear.

"Oh um better go then."


And the line went dead ending our conversation.

I don't understand a lot of things, and the way I feel about Harry is one of those things. Here I was telling him I can't spend time with him because of school work. What's happened to me I barley care about my work and I'm putting time with Harry aside for it. All I want to do is talk to him. I hold my phone in my hands thinking about calling him back, but I stop my self when I realize ill just look stupid.

I place my phone back on the small table and walk into my bathroom. Turning the water on and peeling my clothes off of my body before stepping in. The hot water relaxes my aching muscles as I wash away all the sweat on my body.


I'm sorry it took so long for me to update! I've been busy lately and I've decided I'm going to start naming the chapters :) so enjoy ill also try to double update today!

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