Temptations - a new start

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"Mia get up already!"

I hear a voice say as I rub my eyes.

"I'm up. " I answer and sit up in bed causing the blanket to fall to the floor.

I walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror. This is it, the day I've been dreading since the first day of summer. The first day of eleventh grade. I splash water on my face and brush my teeth. No need to shower since I already did last night. I walk back into my room and rummage through my clothes looking for something to wear. I finally decide on something decent. Nothing fancy just a white tee shirt, dark skinny jeans and I pull on a flannel. I slip on my white converse and take my hair out of the messy bun it was in. I apply some mascara when I realize the time. I'm late. I begin to run down the stairs when a voice stops me.

"Mia I can't take you to school ask mom. " my obnoxious older brother says.

"It's the least you can do Robby your not exactly brother of the year. " I answer.

"What does that have to do with this. School didn't even start yet and your already bringing that up. " his tone becomes harsh.

"I don't have time for this, are you taking me to school or not?" I ask in a low voice.

"Be outside in five minutes. " he says softening his once harsh tone.

When I get down stairs I decide to skip breakfast. I see my mom packing my lunch and I can't help but comment on it.

"I'm not five you know, you don't have to cut my sandwich like that."

"Mia, why can't you just let me baby you for a little longer?" She answers with a pouty face.

"I'm almost eighteen mom. " I say as I grab my shoulder bag from the closet.

"Soon you'll be leaving me" she says soft and her smile fades.

"Let's not talk about that right now, did I get any mail?" I change the subject

"No, I'm sorry she didn't write to you last month either."

"Maybe she's just busy." I try to fake smile

"Yeah, maybe," she barley says

"I should write to her."

"No Mia don't stress yourself out."

" I just want to talk to her mom, it's bad enough we moved away from her house. Now your not letting me talk to her? She was my only friend."

"She doesn't live in that house anymore you know that and you can make new friends."

"Why are you so against her mom I know she has problems, don't we all."

"I'm done with this conversation Mia go out side your brothers waiting you don't want to be late. "

I grab the lunch from her hands and walk out the door without another word being said. She just doesn't understand I think to my self as I get into the car and buckle my seat belt. What does she know about Rachel. Today is going to be terrible I can already feel it.

"Are you ready" my brother says as we pull into school.

"Why do you care. " I answer.

"Fine, be that way then. Do you need me to pick you up?" He says as I begin to get out of the car.

"Sure whatever. " I say as I slam the car door shut.

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