Chapter 18 - suicide

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Just when I thought the moment couldn't be ruined. My phone rang causing my head to snap towards it. Ending my conversation with Harry. I looked over at the caller ID it was my brother. I roll my eyes before leaning over and grabbing my phone, hitting the answer button before placing it against my ear.

"Where are you?!" My brothers voice asks harsh through the phone.

I feel Harry's eyes on me, our fingers still interlocked.

"It doesn't matter, what do you want?" I say with confidence.

"I want to know where you've been. Since you decided not to come home last night." He says his tome staying the same.

"It's not like you noticed, since your calling me now." I fire at him.

"Whatever if your not home before mom and dad get back from the business trip, I'll be glad to tell them you've been out all night." He fires back before ending the call.

It's Sunday shit. I forgot my parents comeback today.

I check the time, my parents will be home in less then half an hour. I put my phone on my lap and sigh. I'll have to leave Harry and I knew without him all id think about is Lucas and last night.

"Is everything alright?" He asks after a while.

"Yeah, fine I just have to be home soon that's all." I answer turning to look at him as he squeezes my hand.

"So soon?" He frowns.

I don't want to leave Harry especially not like this. I want to cuddle into his neck and lay in bed with him all day. I know that tomorrow in school everything will be different, and I'll have to face Liam. My feelings for Liam are still there. But not as strong as my feelings for Harry are, now becoming stronger.

"I'm afraid so." I answer him with another sigh before standing up.

"Let me at least drive you home?" He asks. Standing up so he is facing me and taking my hand once again.

I really want to say yes to his offer. But if my brother sees Harry drop me off he will become suspicious and ask questions.

"I'd better walk." I answer.

He nods and pulls me into his arms. Wrapping his arms around my waist as I place mine around his neck. I love Harry's hugs and his scent. But I mostly love his smile, not the one that he has on when he's talking to his friends. The one that appears on his mouth when he is genuinely happy and laughing. I feel lucky to have seen it because I've realized that hardly anyone has. As we pull apart I look into his eyes.

His eyes are my favorite thing about him. I love how they show so much emotion when he is showing the least bit of it.

I wonder if my eyes do the same thing, maybe when he looks into them he can see my longing for him.

I pick up my shoes slipping them on one at a time before I turn around and walk towards the door. Harry watches when I turn the handle and turn around to face him.

"See you around then?" He asks.

"Yeah." I answer with a smile, before walking out of the room shutting the door behind me.


When I walk into the house I have twenty minutes to spare before my parents arrive. I walk up stairs deciding to shower but I am stopped on the way.

"Look who finally showed up." My brother says just before I reach my room. Causing me to turn around. I roll my eyes at him. I wonder if he knows his old friend Lucas is in town.

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