Chapter 3 - biggest fear

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I take my seat in first period. I'm early, one of the first ones here besides this girl behind me who's wearing to much red lipstick that is smudged, and reading, and a boy who seems to be asleep.

I start to take my books out when I begin to remember Niall's texts. I'm not sure why he asked me when he could've asked Kate. Why did he ask her for my number in the first place? I realize I've been thinking about this for about 10 minutes when Niall and the two boys walk in together just like yesterday, following closely behind them is the boy from 8th period.

I look at Niall as he approaches me with a smile he seems to be really happy almost too happy. I want to turn around to see if he could be smiling at anyone behind me. But I don't.

"Hey Mia."

He says his eyes barley meeting mine. If he didn't say my name I would've thought he was talking to the girl behind me with to much red lipstick.


I say so quiet I wonder if he heard me.

"Did you get my texts last night?"

He says in a some what concerned tone.

"Yea, sorry I didn't see it until this morning. "

"Oh that's okay"

He says before looking at the boys behind him.

There was a silence until he began to speak again.

"Anyway, these are my friends. " he points at the boy with the leather jacket and the boy next to him with an amazing smile. "This is zayn and Louis." I barley smile and say hi to the both of them when the boy behind them says "So I guess we are not friends then Niall." In a sarcastic voice.

"Oh yea, how could I have forgotten about you Harry." Niall says as he puts an arm on Harry's shoulder.

"It's fine I'll introduce my self." The boy now known as Harry says before putting his hand out.

"I'm Harry. " he says waiting for me to shake his hand. As soon as I realize he wants me to I quickly grab his hand.

"I'm Mia" I say now realizing I'm smiling and I haven't let go of his hand.

He hasn't pulled away and when I realize, I pull away feeling Embarrassed. He smiles and I feel my cheeks heat up. The bell rings and the boys walk towards the back of the room to their seats.


The rest of the day wasn't too bad I think to my self as I walk into the cafeteria and take a seat at the table Kate and I sat at yesterday. I start to take out my Gatorade and a granola bar when a boy walks over.

"Is this seat taken?" The boys says. Before I can answer he sits down. He's very attractive and has a kind smile. I notice he's wearing the school football team jersey.

"I guess not. " I say and smile.

"I'm Liam." He says his smile grows bigger. "Are you new to the school? I haven't seen you around before. "

"Yea I am, my names Mia. " I say and look behind Liam to see Kate walking towards us.

"Liam?" She says in a confused tone.

"Oh hi Kate, did you know we had a new girl." He says looking at me. Still with a smile on his face.

"Yes I'm aware I befriended her yesterday actually. "

"Oh, so I'm assuming you'll be sitting with her then."


Kate says and Liam gets up.

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