The cold

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(Saturday 5th November, 2016 8:30)
Today we are going shopping for some winter gear for the whole family. I get up out of bed an go down stairs to find everyone asleep so I made breakfast for everyone. When I was done I was done I went an woke everyone up. When everyone was up I went an got Cameron, I wokd him up an brought him down an put him in his high chair right next to my seat. I then took my seat an realized that josh an colton weren't down yet but soon after they came an took their seat next to McKenzie. We all sat down an talked about what we want to get done today. When everyone was done they all left to get ready cuz we are leaving at 1:00 an there was alot to be done. Everyone went off an started btheir Saturday chores an I put Cameron n colton in the living room in the play pen with some toys to keep them occupied. I had to clean mine and Jermaine's room an Cameron's room as well as help mckenzine with the kitchen living room and dinning room an I usually have to go down to the pastry shop an clean but my grandma an Jermaine's mom volunteered to help with that. I stared in my room which was not much to clean, I made the bed arranged the closet and dresser then I set the irobt to vacuum the carpet. Then I went to Cameron's room an started. I fixed the sheet in his crib I
Pack his toys away into his toy chest , I also arranged his drawer an closet  straighten a few things then I got the Irobot from my room an put it vacuum the floor. I went downstairs an saw that McKenzie had already cleaned the kitchen an the living room so I had to clean the dinning room. I wiped the table and straighten the chairs , I wiped the boys highchairs I was done when I went into the back yard Jermaine cleaning around the pool area which was very important because we are having a little family pool party. I went back into the front yard  to see what josh was doing and he was cleaning the cars inside out. I went back inside to check on they boys and they were fast asleep so I took them up to their rooms an put the in their cribs. At 12:30 all the chores were done except for mowing the lawn but that was done by a kid we hired n he should be coming soon. We all started to get ready to go shopping. I gave Cameron his milk\formula an gave him a bathe. When he was all clean I dressed him in some warn clothes since it was starting to get cold. When he was ready I gave him to Jermaine while I got ready. At 1:30 we were all ready Jermaine Cameron an I got into my car while Josh an coltob went with McKenzie. Went we got to jcpenny I got Cameron strapped into his stroler an we went in. We went in an we with to the males section, at the end we had two pair of matching coats and sweater for everyone an we all got to pick two sweaters and coats we liked then we went to got some winter shoes. I got four pair a boots and sneakers and some warm pants for  Cameron an  some boots for me. When we had all we needed we went an played an got everything into our cars. Then we left an went grocery shopping at Walmart. We went in an got to shopping carts an we put the boys inside the little basket. We were just at the middle eile when Cameron started to fuss because it was time for his nap. So I left an went to my car to give him his milk an let's him nap in his car seat. When I went out I saw someone from the corner of my eye who looked very familiar but I just brushed it off. When I got to my car I gave him his bottle an put him in his car seat. I turned on the ac an sat back an went on my phone. While I was waiting I felt like I was being watched when I looked out the window I saw someone standing a few cars away from mines an he kept watch me but I couldn't see him properly because he was knda hiding behind the car. I sat there looking at him because he looked very familiar. He came from behind the car the it hit me it felt someone took away my ability to breathe. It was kaden an he was coming over to my car. I sat there in shook not know  to do. He came up to my window an said he jus wanted to talk, I didn't say anything.

A: go away leave us alone
K: please I just wanna talk
A: what do you want talk about
K: I wanna see my son
A: hell no you tried to kill him an in the process you not only hurt her you killed your own unborn daughter.
K: I want my son
A: no now leave
K: I'm not leaving until I see my son
A: don't let me have to call the cops

When I said that it pissed him off so he went around to Cameron's said to get him. So I pressed the button to lock the doors. This only pissed him off more, he pulled out a gun an placed it to the window pointing towards Cameron. My heart immediately dropped.

K: open the door now
A: no please leave us alone
K: open the door now or he dies

I had no other option so I opened the doors an got out. I walked around to Cameron's side an he placed the gun to my head.

K: take me to my son
A: please leave please no
K: if  you don't take me to my son I'll just take your.

When he said that i felt my heart drop to my toes an my breathe being taken away. I just started to cay I didn't know what to do.

K: shut up!!

When he said that Cameron woke up an started to cry. When I heard him cry something in me just went off. I got an went towards him, I knocked the gun out his hand an pushed him to the ground. I ran an got the gun an when I turned around he was getting up to come towards me so I shot him in his foot. He fell to the ground in pain. I pulled my phone out my back pocket and call the police with the gun still pointed at him. The cops were on there way an he tried to come at me again so I shot him in the arm. This time the security came out an ran over.

S: Mame put the gun down
A: he tried to take my son, he tried to take me son

I just kept repeating those word over until the security guy came over an took the gun from me. I went an got Cameron who was still crying. Soon after thevpolice came and McKenzie an the boy came out with all the groceries. When I saw them I ran over an hug Jermaine then I totally lost it I just cried. They put everything into the cars while I talked to the police. When i was done explaining they put laden into the ambulance hand cuffed to the gerny. We got into our cars an went home, and on they way home I told Jermaine what happened. When we got home no one spoke of what happened everyone went about packing away stuff. When everything was done I gave Cameron some blueberries, and went he was full I changed him an but him to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2017 ⏰

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