Play date

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~Four months later~
Today is Sunday an the boys are 9 months, they both have started to crawl, sit up an stand all on their own. They haven't said there first word yet but they babble a lot. They also have their four front teeth, two at the top two at the bottom. Business at the pastry shop has been great an today is our day off. Today they both have play dates with Crissy an Dominique. We met Dominique and her mom Jessie at the park. There play date stars at 2 so McKenzie an I are preparing some snacks for us an the babies. We the boys their bath an they took their 12o clock nap an when they woke up we dressed them. Crissy and Dominique(picture below) soon arrived at the boys were glad to see.



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A: Look at that I think they remember each other from the park

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A: Look at that I think they remember each other from the park.
J: it nice to see they are getting along.
Ab: its so nice to see you guys again
M: we are glad to see you too.

We sat an talked about us but mostly the kids. We gave the kids some fruits that we prepared earlier an we had cake and some ice cold lemonade. The kids were on the play mat playing with their toys an getting along great. Soon it was time for them to go they left at 4:30, the kids were tired sob we took them up to the room an I took max to an put them in their cribs. We went back down and sat on the couch an relaxed.

A: so Halloween is coming up an I was thinking we take them trick or treating and have a custom party at the shop.
M: sound great it will be so much fun.
A: Yh let's look for some custumes for the boys.
M: great idea

So we sat on the couch looking at costumes on eBay and amazon for 1 hour and we finally found the cutest thing. We found a milk an cookie custum, Cameron would be the cookie an colton would be the milk. We also found some costumes for us, i am going to be a zombie princess an mckenzie is going to be a kangerroo. We later went onto our social media accounts an posted about the Halloween party. It instantly got tons of like and comment of people say they'll be there. At seven we had already printed out flyers and Jermaine and Josh will put them up around the city. When we were done it was 8o clock so we went to bed.

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