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I got up around 9:45. I woke  McKenzie an we both went up stairs to freshen up. I went to my room an picked out a black leggings a purple crop top an my purple Allstars.  I then went to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth then i got in the shower. When is was done i got out dried off an started to get dressed.

I was done showering an I'm now getting dressed. I put on a black leggings and a red crop top an my red all stars. I went across the hall to see if Alex was ready. I walked in a she was just done with her shoes lace. She got up an we both we down into the kitchen we both had nine hundred dollars. We shipped in for the snacks an drinks.
I got my keys an phone an we both left to pick up some snack an drinks for later. Our lil party started a 2:00 an it was now 11:30. We both got in my car and left.
~At the grocery store ~
We got there an i easily found a parking space. We got out an went in i got a cart an we went straight to the chip ile. We got  seven big chips all different flavors. We then went to the drinks ile an got four big bottles of sodas then we went the frozen section an got two tubs of ice cream cotton candy an cookie dough. We got all we needed so we headed to the cashier. On our way to check out my cart bumped into someone. I looked up an saw it was Jermaine. The guy from the party the one i had sex with.
Jermaine: hey
Alex:  hey
Jermaine: um i wanted to talk to you but never got your number an when i woke up you were gonna.
Alex: um yeah I had to my sister an her friend home an i didn't want to wake you (i lied)
We talked a lil more an exchanged numbers. I went to the cashier an she cashed our stuff our total was 80:99 so we both shipped in half half.

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