The gender

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Today  is Saturday the day we find out the gender of our babies an I'm pretty excited. Yesterday was a blast i met a boy who's name is Josh an he is extremely cute. He has dark hair dark green eyes an he is seventeen. He knows about my pregnancy an he said it doesn't matter because he really likes me an he also said he would help me with the baby. He i just one of a kind. So it is 12:40 an Alex is still asleep. I went down to the kitchen an pop some toast into the toaster. When they popped up i spread some butter on each one an i went to the fridge an got a jar of pickles. I don't usually eat pickles but that's what the wants I've been craving it for a few days now. As i was eating Alex came down an made herself a fruit salad.  When she was dine making it she came an sat next to me in the living room.
A: how was the spa
M: i was fun i met a boy
A: ooo spill
M: OK well his name is josh he is 17 an he just moved here from Canada.
A: does he know about the baby
M: you an he is fine with it he even wants to help with the baby.
A: that's great I'm happy for you.
M: thanks

After we were done eating i washed the dishes while Alex went to get ready. After the dishes were all clean an packed away i went to my room to get ready. I picked out a simple blue jeans a tie die crop top an a kitted sweater since its a little chilly outside. I laid them on my bed then went to take a shower. After showering i got out and dried off  i put on my undergarments then applied some lotion to my body. I put on the clothes that i laid out earlier. Then did my hair an makeup. When i was completely ready I sat in my bed an  began to text Josh.

I had on a simple black jeans an a peach polo shirt an I was just about ready. When i was fully ready i went down stairs to see Lexi, McKenzie an Jermaine on the couch watching tv.

A: You guys ready to go.
E: yup
A: Lego

An with that we left on the way we jammed to a few songs an had little chit chat here an there. When we got to the clinic we went in an went to the receptionist. We gave her our names an soon after we were called in.
Dr. You guys ready to find out the gender of your babies.
A: as I'll ever be
M: yeah i guess
This time McKenzie went first.

Dr: lift up your shirt please.

She squeezed the gel on my bump then started to look for my baby which didn't take to long.

Dr: Here is your baby an here you see that little thing between the legs which means its a......BOY congratulations.
M: omg i cant believe it I'm having a baby boy. Thank you so much doc.
Dr: your welcome hun.

She got off the bed an came over an i gave her a big hug then kissed her temple.

A: congratulation sis
M: thanks i love u    

Now it was my turn. I went over an hoped on the bed. I lifted my shirt an she placed the gel on my tummy. She search for a little until she stopped at one spot.

Dr: You see that spot right here that is the private part which means you are having a..... BOY.    

A single tear fell from my eyes i am so happy. I secretly wanted a boy.

A: thank you so much for everything.
Dr. I'm glad i could help.

I got off the bed an went to where they were all sitting. They got up an we had a group hug.

A: I'm so glad i have you guys.
L: we are all glad to have you to.
M: yeah
J: totally                   

~Skip to after they got home~            

When we got home it was 3:58 so we decided to watch  a movie later on tonight but for we are going to the hot tub in the backyard. McKenzie went to her room to change while me an Lexi went to my room  an Jermaine had to work so he left. Me an Lexi wore the same size as me so she just borrowed one of my swim suit. We changed got our towels the went to get McKenzie. She was fully ready so we all went down. We went through the back door that was right off the kitchen. We got in an i immediately felt relaxed.

L: so have you guys taught about any names for the babies.
A: i actually have a few in mind.
L: Let me hear some if you don't mind.
A: sure, Jayden, Kaden, Tristan an i really like this one Cameron.
M: Baby Cameron i can get use to that.
L: its a really cute name i think it would fit him perfectly.
A: looks like we have a winner baby Cameron it is. I just love that name.
L: what about you McKenzie. You have any in mind.
M: Yh i have three that i can't forget.  
A: well what are they
M: Colton, Jamey an Cody.
L: There all good name. Tell me for what reason did you chose those names.
M: well i chose Cody because its the name of my first crush an i chose Jamey because it sounds cute an sexy but i chose colton because it was our uncle John's middle name.

Our uncle John died two years ago form cancer. When he died it was hard on all of us especially me an McKenzie. He was the one who stayed with us when our parents left for business. He was funny sweet an smart an he always gave us great advice. He was the closest thing we had to family. RIP UNCLE JOHN.
M: what do you guys think .
A:  I think you go with the one that means the most to you.
L: yeah me to.
M: so baby colton it is

It is now 5:00 an we are all dry, dressed an ready to watch our movie. We decided to order some pizza since that what we were craving. We are all on the couch watching fifty first dates an half way through the movie the door bell rang. So i got up a went to the door. At the door was the pizza delivery guy with two large pizzas and three bottles of Pepsi mountain Dew an Ginger ale. I paid the guy thanked him then he left. I put the drinks an pizza in the center table\coffee table then i went to the kitchen an got three plates an three straws. I went back gave them both a plate a straw. We continued to watch our movie eat laugh an drink. Soon it was all over. We were all tired an wanted to go to bed so we tidied up a bit then went to bed. Lexi to the guest room next to our parents room.
I changed into my pj's an went to bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow i was out like a light.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

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