Chapter 5

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Lindon S.A 3426

          In the peak of spring the following year, I was once more back in Forlindon after having spent a few months in Greenwood again

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          In the peak of spring the following year, I was once more back in Forlindon after having spent a few months in Greenwood again. I had been reassigned to the guards, served under Rüdhon again. It had provided me with a much-needed distraction from everything that had transpired. I already missed his ill-behaved smiles and constant nagging, but also his caring nature.

I exhaled deeply and scooted off the bed, stretched my sore body and then reached for the book resting on the end of my bed. There were only so much reading I could do in a day before boredom prevailed.

Leaving my room, the cheerful and lively atmosphere reached me. With the changing of the seasons, and the impending doom spreading from the east. Sauron's strength and power were growing with alarming strength. The darkness claiming the lands and its people faster than we could make a stand. Yet in the mist of the battle and constant war, the High King of Lindon, had declared for a harvest feast to be organized, even extending the invitation to every elven residing within the realm.

The festival was an escape attempt. It would be a few hours were everyone could commemorate the hard labor of the common folk, the farmers, the builders, the servants, the protectors, warriors and even the marital forces of the realm. The loudness of the festivities that had already started in the garden made me halt at a nearby window.

Music. It was already filling the air, the house even. Beckoning, making me sway lightly on my feet as I took the sight in. The garden was already a magnificent sight to behold. Bedecked in sparkling ribbons and silken lanterns, hanging low all while hugging the path leading up to the plateau and large open area behind, where the festivities were to be held.

In the distance, the sun was beginning its final decent over the forest. The sky was a pool of amethyst, sapphire, and ruby. How I wanted to swim in it, wanted to bathe in the colors and feel the stars twinkling between my fingers. Smiling softly, I turned from the sight and continued towards the library. Everyone that passed me, seemed in high spirit for the occasion and made me look after them with a certain longing.

A day such as this, I would've spent it with Anion. Or back home with Rüdhon and my father. Tears emerged at the realization. I was still utterly alone here. I lowered my head and found my way into the safety of the library. It was a much-needed change because I had already spent most of the day in my room. The room was warm and cozy, and seldom visited at this hour, even less so with the festivities going on in the garden. Deep down, I hoped to be alone.

The room was blissfully empty when I found my favorite velvet couch near the blazing fire in the middle of the room. On the way there I had exchanged the book I had brought with a new one. The first and best I could get my hands on before I plopped down onto the couch. I pulled my legs up and tucked them securely in under my dress as I shifted to get comfortable. Luckily, the music and such were only a soft reminder here.

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