Chapter 51: Look into My Eyes

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Chapter 51

Look into My Eyes


A piercing shriek escaped from the King. “You think you can defeat me?” a high-pitched voice said from the monarch’s mouth. “I was ancient before you were born, Broken One. I am the Eater of Nations, the Dark Flame, I have destroyed thousands of your kind and I will destroy thousands more!”

            The King’s teeth grew razor sharp and his smile stretched across his face. His giggles were otherworldly and his eyes were glowing orbs of red. He said a few words in a language Dearekk didn’t recognize and Suneater seemed to absorb all of Ventar’s light. Then, with an inhuman strength, he brought his sword down atop Ventar.

And the blade shattered in Dearekk’s hands.

The scream of pain that escaped the Rebel Prince’s lips was both that of his own and of Revolaton. The tattoos that wove up his arms to his shoulders seemed to burn into his skin, scorching his very bones. His scream continued as he fell to his knees and clutched his head. It was as if someone was twisting a knife inside his brain and his vision flickered with pain. The former fuzziness and exhaustion was gone, and in its place was an anguish that was sharper than a razor.

His screams did not stop. But somewhere in his mind he was aware of the now possessed King raising Suneater above his head, ready to bring it down upon a kneeling Dearekk.)

Suddenly, the King’s sword jerked to the side and a flying knife clattered onto the ground. Near the courtyard’s entrance, Sonya stood, a furious fire blazing in her elf-green eyes. Blood was smeared across her face and a strip of red cloth was tied around her right arm where an arrow had wedged its way through her armor. However, that did not seem to be slowing her down as she approached the King.

“You have taken away everything that I have ever loved,” she growled, a bubble of pure hatred exploding in her chest. “My brother. My parents. My friends. You will not take him away as well!”

An insane laugh escaped the King. “You truly think you can defeat me?” he screamed. “Your friend had the help of a Broken, and I have already cut him down!”

“Your time hunting elves have made us strong,” Sonya replied. “We have been trapped in a dance with death for over fifty years!” Raising her knife, she gazed at the man who had all but destroyed her life. “So let us dance, milord.”

The King dashed at her, roaring words in a language she didn’t know.  The elf barely managed to duck as he swung a black sword over her head and roll out of the way as he brought his sword down on her.

Dearekk’s method had been one of a warrior. He had attacked, blocked and fought with all his strength. But in the end it hadn’t been enough, as shown by the crumpled prince lying in the dirt. But Sonya wasn’t a warrior. She was a thief and by the One, she fought like a thief.

She hopped and dodged and darted to avoid the King’s brute strength, trying to get close enough to nick him, but never quite being able to. Their fight dragged on for what seemed like hours as sweat began to pour down Sonya’s skin.

A noise drew away her attention for a moment as she saw Dearekk move out of the corner of her eye. The small distraction nearly killed her as the King’s sword sliced down and nicked her leg.

“Sonya!” a gasp came from the Rebel Prince.

The elf never lost focus, but she watched as the King’s eyes flicked towards his son for a split second. In that moment, Sonya drew back her arm and threw her only weapon, the Blade of Otem, towards the King’s head.

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