Chapter 49: Ultim

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Chapter 49


Dearekk watched Sonya race towards him, her eyes alight with a fire he hadn't seen in them since they fought the hydra in the Gyrsherm. "It's time!" she said between pants when she finally stopped. "The King has pulled his soldiers out of the castle. There won't be a siege, Deraekk. It's going to be a true battle!"

"Why would the King pull out his men?" Cormack murmured beside the Rebel Prince. "He clearly had the advantage inside the fortress. We could have never starved them out. "

A laugh escaped Dearekk. "He always was vain. He's broken the first rule he taught me: don't underestimate your opponent. He hopes to make an example out of us, an offensive attack makes much more of an impression than a defensive hold-out."

"The men are calling this battle Ultim," Sonya said, excitement filling her voice. "The final battle for our freedom."

Grinning, Dearekk looked at the elf. "It is time. Gather the troops and prepare for battle."


Dearekk watched as Sonya climbed upon a rock and stood.

"What is she doing?" Cormack muttered.

"Who knows?" was Dearekk's response.

Laughing, Sonya waved her arms in the air. "Men! Elves! Fay! Manticores! Look to the west! What do you see? A castle? The enemy? Humans?"

Slowly, the camp began to quiet down and all eyes turned to the dark haired elf. She stood talk and proud, her green eyes alive and her hair blowing in the breeze.

"I see none of those things. Some of you may look at me and think, 'She is nothing but a child.' However, I tell you that while I am young, I was born, raised, and nearly killed under the tyranny of this so called 'king.' And before I could even pick up a knife, I knew that this lord was no king of mine! So I trained and I fought, and I killed all in hope of one day escaping the chains of torment, and fear that one day everyone I loved would be killed. And it was all in vain. My friends and my entire family have fought and died, without any influence on the mass genocide of my people. But, brothers and sisters, this is Ultim! Have you been oppressed?"

A murmur of recognition came from the crowd.

"Have you not been living in fear, every day? And are you not tired of living in that fear?"

Once again, a murmur came from the crowd, this time louder.

"Have you not fought and died in ambushes, in small attacks that were soon forgotten? Have you not killed to protect your family, only to see more enemy soldiers fill in the gap? Have you not felt as if nothing you did changed anything?"

A resounding shout of agreement echoed the elf's question. As Dearekk looked across the troops, he saw passion and anger etched in every creature's face.

"Tonight, we will no longer hide in the forest, dashing in to prick the enemy. No, tonight we will rise up and cut off their heads!"

A shout came again.

"We will die freeing our kind! We will forever be remembered as those who liberated our race! We will never be forgotten! Look to the west, men! Look to immortality!"

The troops turned and faced to the west, they marched until they met the tree line. Nothing but a clearing separated them from the King's men and the castle. For a moment, all was silent. Not even the songbirds dared to sing.

Then, a shout ripped from Dearekk's throat as he raised Ventar, mist swirling around the blade of fire. Pointing towards the enemy, he let his wordless scream continue as others joined him and rushed at the King's men.

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