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A/N: Hello all! So let me know what you think of this clarify, Perrie and Harry are not secretly in love with each other and will not be together at any point. They are just best friends and will continue to be so. Any questions/suggestion will be considered and appreciated so please don't hesitate to talk to me :) xx -Lennie

Zayn and I had been dating for about a month, and that was exactly how long it had been since Harry had talked to me. He and Ni still hung out, but only at his house. I tried to talk to him, but he wouldn’t even look me in the eye as we passed each other in the hallway, much less hold a civil conversation with me. He had a steady parade of sluts that respectively seemed to take my place in our once unyielding trio. Even my brother seemed to want to keep away from me.

One day, I was showing a new girl named Everly around the school. She was from America and she had the funniest accent I’d ever heard. She said that she was from a place in California called Beverly Hills and even though she was incredibly intelligent, she described everything as “chill” for cool or “dank” for good. Hearing her talk was hilarious. Anyway, I told her how Harry and Niall were ignoring me and what for and she shook her head sympathetically.

“That’s pretty heavy, man,” she sighed, hoisting her books up. “That totally happened to me last year. I got together with my boyfriend and my best friend was all ‘Why are you ditching me for him?’ and I was like ‘I’m not ditching you, I just have other priorities,’ you know? And so anyway, I found out that he liked me! Maybe Harry, like, likes you too?”

“Oh, ew,” I gagged. “No, never. I’ve known Harry since I was born. It would be so weird if we liked each other. It’s like liking my own brother.”

“Ew, barf! I guess that’s fair enough,” she laughed. “He’s cute, though. Hella cute.”

“Hella?” I giggled. “The way you talk cracks me up! Really!”

“Thanks,” she grinned. “So anyway, you’ll help me get caught up in your Calculus class? I’m pretty good at math, I just don’t know where to pick up.”

“Absolutely. I’ll ring you.” We traded phone numbers and said goodbye. Walking down the hall, she accidently knocked into Harry, blushed, apologized, and scurried off. He watched her rush away, incredulously running his hand through his hair. He glanced over at me on accident. I raised my hand slowly, but all I got in return was a curt nod before he turned his back on me. Tears rushed to my eyes so I pulled out my phone again and dialed Zayn.

“Hi, are you alright?” he answered after the first ring.

“No,” I said shakily.

“You want me to drive you home?”


“Alright, I’ll come to your locker.”

“Okay.” I leaned on my locker sadly until Zayn came up to me. He instantly wrapped his arms around me and I cried into his shirt.

“Why does he hate me?” I mumbled. He held my face in both of his hands and wiped the tears off of my cheek.

“He doesn’t hate you. I promise.”

“How can you promise that? He’s trying to distance himself from me and I don’t know why. It’s like he doesn’t want to be friends with me or like the last eighteen years didn’t happen!” I rubbed my eyes angrily. “I just don’t want to lose him.”

“Just give him time,” he said softly.

This went on for three more months.


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