Late- Mycroft

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The Sherlock season finale!!! Oh my god... 


So many plot twists!! And Redbeard, Molly, and just oh my god! [Here's the spoiler] 

Sherlock rather shoot himself than shoot Mycroft or John!!! And when he broke the casket, dear lord above help me! (and I'm not religious)

Is there going to be another season? There was surprisingly no cliffhanger and it was actually happy?? I know they planned season 5 but Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman have insanely busy schedules. They're high in demand for movies and shows these days.


But damn, oh damn, what a show! New season or not, we're back on hiatus.

An empty chair sat in front of you. 

Untouched silverware lay next to an empty plate. 

A glass of water showed no signs that anyone had taken a sip out of it.

You sighed, putting your elbows on the table and pulled out your phone. 

Where are you?- initials

No response. That was fine. He could be stuck in traffic. He could have been held back at work. So you went back to scrolling through your phone. Checking facebook, your emails, responding to other texts... Then glanced back to the door.

A couple had just walked in. They had been obviously dating for a while.

You weren't that smart, but you picked up a few things from hanging out with the Holmes brothers. The woman hadn't put on as much makeup as you would expect as a lady trying to make a good first impression. The dress was at the front of her closet, the first thing she saw opening the doors. Shoes were picked to match- handbag, too. The way she looked at the man was love-struck and he returned it, too. The man had tidied up a little more than usual, however. And by the ring-box outline, you could see why.

She would say yes with no doubts.

You glanced back at the empty chair, if only your date was actually punctual. 

"Anything I can get you while you wait?" the waiter asked.

"May I have another glass of water, please?"

"I'll be back in a moment." She smiled, obviously sympathetic. 

You watched families and couples walk through the door and attempted to deduce them all. There was a gay couple. A double-date. Parents bringing their kids out to dinner. A blind date that involved a cat-lover and a man with multiple small dogs.

A few more minutes passed and you watched the first-deduction couple earn lots of applause. The man had proposed, the woman said yes. All so romantic... You wanted to be happy for them but you've been waiting for over an hour for your date.

Glancing at your phone, you saw no text messages.

If you're going to be late, might as well let me know. -initials

"Damn it," you whispered, taking a sip of your water. Your stomach rumbled. With annoyance, you took a deep breath through your nose.

"Ma'am?" the waiter spoke up cautiously. "W-we're going to have to ask you to leave if your date doesn't come in the next thirty minutes. S-sorry."

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