Child- 11th Doctor

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It's about time I updated, sorry for the wait. This chapter is supposed to be short and sweet.

I attached a picture above of the quick sketches I did of 10 and 11, I haven't added 9 or 12 yet because I don't have the time.

Also, I would really appreciate it if you could quickly check out my 2 Supernatural Preferences and Imagines books. I also have a brand new imagines book, 'Harry Potter Preferences and Imagines' (by emeraldcity221B, of course)

Thank you and enjoy!

You wanted to kill whoever made the term, 'morning sickness.' You felt like you had the most terrible hangover of all time. You were constantly nauseous and the simplest smells or movements would send you straight to the bathroom to throw up.

How could something so natural feel so bad?

Your stomach was swollen, and you were constantly craving food. You were once fit enough to run as far as you pleased, but now... Your pregnancy was taking a toll on your body.

You rested your head back against the bathroom wall. Your back was aching and your head throbbing. You just wanted to fast forward to your due date. You just wanted to see your child and get back into shape.

"Y/n?" your husband knocked on the door. You brightened upon hearing his voice. If anyone was any good at keeping you positive, it was the Doctor.

"I'm presentable," you groaned. The door clicked open and soon the Doctor was sitting at your side.

"How are you feeling?" he asked as you rested your forehead against his shoulder.

"Tired," you admitted, "hungry, and nauseous."

"If you like, I could park the TARDIS somewhere special. Somewhere nice, like Barcelona or Anura."

"That would be worse," you muttered, rubbing a hand over your stomach. You looked up at the Doctor and met his old gaze. He nodded with understanding and let you snuggle closer to him. "What are we going to do? After the baby is born."

"I don't know," the Doctor answered. "Raise him or her, properly. Give him or her education. When he or she turns sixteen, give TARDIS lessons. Make sure he or she has friends, good friends that don't do drugs. I guess we would continue visiting planets and saving people, we could start our own family business."

"Hmm... I like that. If it's a girl, we should name her Celeste."

"I like human names. So, if it's a boy, Bob."

"We are not naming our kid Bob!" you teased, smiling and playfully hitting his shoulder.

The Doctor rolled his eyes sarcastically. "Then, how about Mathew. Matt for short. We can use my alias, 'John Smith,' and send him to school with the last name 'Smith.' He would be Matt Smith. It has a ring to it."

At that, you felt movement inside you, a little kick.

"I think Matt likes that," you said excitedly, grabbing the Doctor's hand and placing it over your stomach. The baby kicked again and you watched as the Doctor's face lit up with happiness. "I can't wait to meet him."

"Me too."

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