Noise- John

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You were running.

Faster and faster, breaths going in and out easily due to years of training. But unlike others, you were running towards your fear; battle. You could hear the loud booms of tanks and the shots of rifles. Unlike training, people were actually shooting at you.

You were gripping your rifle with sweaty hands, you could hear your heart beat over the sounds of war. It was loud, too loud.

You neared the line of battle and saw one of your team members sheltered behind a rock.

"John!" you shouted, he looked over to you as you dropped to the ground and crawled over to him. You tried not to look at the bodies of fallen men as you did so.

"Y/n, you're okay," he sighed with relief. Your team had been separated earlier by an ambush, you were running to find your lost members and help out in the fight.

A canon blast went over your head and you and John ducked down, holding each other while calming your racing hearts.

"This is crazy," you muttered, loading bullets into the chamber and turning the safety off of your gun. You quickly twisted our body so you were looking over the rock, you saw two men advancing in the field that separated you and the enemy line.

A single, deafening roar echoed through your surroundings and left your ears ringing as you fired. One of the men fell backwards, clutching his chest. You ducked back as the enemies directed their fire towards your direction, waiting for your head to surface over the boulder again.

John checked his ammunition and peaked around the edge.

"There are five more advancing," he mumbled.

"Crap." You sucked in a breath, the air tasted like sweat and dust. Smoke lingered above you and clouded your vision. You rolled over to a nearby tree.

Three rounds of bullets following you let you know that the other attackers had seen you. Splinters of wood flew by your face as they kept firing.

John flicked the safety off of his own rifle and fired two shots, two men collapsed. You spun out from the tree and ran to a new hiding spot, knowing that you wouldn't be very hidden. You fired continuously and managed to strike a couple more men down.

You hated killing so you made sure that your shots would definitely knock your targets out of the war for good, but would not be fatal. They had families at home- people who loved them. You didn't want to take their chance of seeing them away.

You ducked behind another boulder and slid to the ground, trying to catch your breath. You looked over and saw more soldiers were here. You sighed in relief and reloaded more ammo.

"Cover me!" you heard John shout from down where you had been. You nodded as he started running, aiming at any who dared try and shoot your teammate. He ducked down next to you and you fired one last shot at the closest enemy before hiding once more.

More troops sheltered next to you, a couple of them were from America. You nodded politely at them as they started firing and assisting the injured soldiers away to the base camp.

You raised yourself to a crouch and rejoined the battle, your rifle mixed with the sounds of others until you heard a scream of pain at your side and a man collapsed to the ground. You saw blood drip down his uniform to the dirt, he was dead.

You grit your teeth in anger and John gave you a worried look.

At your moment of distraction, pain flared up your arm. At first, you though it was your nerves overreacting, but it was a bullet. You groaned in pain and sank back to the dirt, clutching your shoulder.

"Y/n!" John immediately brought out his medical pack and pulled out the bullet. You whimpered in pain as your teammate started cleaning it, but then you pushed him away as more men around you fell to the ground with much worse wounds than yours.

"Help them!" you protested, John nodded.

"A couple of the bodies are out in the open, cover me." He rushed out and you, painfully, arose to your shooting position.

Your ears ached from all the noises and you desperately wanted to run back to base camp, but they would punish you for deserting. You bit your lip and fought back tears as you lost more blood from your bullet wound. You struck more men down, but you didn't notice one targeting John until it was too late.

Your teammate was dragging a body away from the line of fire when he shouted out in pain and fell to the ground, holding his leg.

"John!" you screeched, your voice miraculously making its way to the army doctor. You dropped the rifle and pulled out a pistol and ran out to John, your heart pumping faster than it was. You fired randomly and dropped to the ground next to your teammate and worked at hauling him away, which proved to be hard with an injured arm. "C'mon, John, help me out here," you whimpered as it proved too difficult to get him from here to safety. The doctor was on the verge off passing out from the pain.

It seemed like you had proved to be an easy target because all the bullets seemed directed at you; Your pain increased, starting at your gut then spreading. You kept going, trying to shield the doctor with your body while dragging him away.

The blood seeped down your clothing and your vision seemed like it was tainted dark red. You felt yourself be hit once more in the back and you fell, face first, into the dirt.

"John-" you coughed.

"Y/n!" he stirred, his face twisted in horror upon seeing you covered in blood, your own blood. You looked up to him and felt your breath quicken, your body going into shock.

It was too loud.

"Y/n, stay with me," he shouted, struggling to stand up or even sit up for that matter. "Help!" John screamed. "Somebody help me!"

Soldiers turned their gaze towards you, there were two of them, one ran over to help.

"Get her to safety," your teammate commanded, dragging himself away from the line of fire as you were picked up and carried into the shelter behind trees. John was soon at your side again. "Eyes on me," he spoke softly, but it looked like he was yelling. Tears openly streaked his face.

You noticed something. It was definitely getting quieter. John's fingers fumbled as he worked though the pain of his leg.

"Just stop, John," you whispered. "Take care of yourself."

"Y/n, don't be silly, you're worse off than I am."

"I know," you said. "Take care of yourself."

"Why should I do that?" John's shoulders shook as he fought back sobs.

"Because I love you."

You didn't see your teammate's reaction because you closed your eyes and sighed, knowing that would be your last breath.

The noises around you faded. You didn't hear the war anymore.

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