The Guardian- Sherlock

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This chapter is based off of "The Guardian." It's a very good movie dedicated to those in the Coast Guard. Though the circumstances will be different in the chapter, I wanted it to be based off the final scene.

The National Archive was just an idea on the building and scene. It was an idea at first and then I remembered that Khan (Benedict Cumberbatch) blew up an Archive in Star Trek Into Darkness. It fits.

Prepare yourselves, fellow detectives.

"Seven minutes- that's all you can have to save the civilians," Mycroft said through your ear piece. You nodded, knowing he could see from the helicopter. The building was loaded with explosives. It was a National Archive that Henry Blackwood had attacked for the information. The people were still locked inside and the information was being downloaded to Blackwood Headquarters as you spoke.

You and Sherlock rushed inside. Your job was to get the people out. Sherlock's was to stop the info download and to back up the system. If the building blew- and it would in 6 minutes 38 seconds- the Archive would be devastated. Who better to hold the missing information than Mycroft Holmes a.k.a the British Government?

There were hands banging against a heavy, steel door and shouts from within. You just needed to crack the code to set the hostages free.

You took a breath and cracked your knuckles. Using what Sherlock taught you, you looked at the numbers carefully. Numbers 5,7, 4, 1 were smudged indicating their use. The seven was the most blurred, indicating that the oil on skin had been deposited there first. Then it was 4, 5, and lastly 1. The pad let out a chirp and flashed a green light. The door clicked.

Immediately, twenty people rushed out. Some pushed you aside, others were kind enough to offer thanks as they rushed towards the exit.

Five minutes, fifteen seconds.

"Work quickly, Mr. and Mrs. Holmes," Mycroft's voice crackled in your ear.

You ran with the civilians to the doors only to see that, they too, had been rigged with explosives.

"Everyone to the roof!" you shouted. "Don't open the doors!"

The civilians, all adults recognized your warning and obeyed. You tapped your earpiece. "Mycroft, we need more backup. I have twenty-three people inside."

Three minutes left and you were on the roof. Helicopters were slowly loading civilians and bringing them away from the building. Police were starting to clear the streets below. The only persons left was yourself and Sherlock.

"Got it!" You heard your husband's voice through your earpiece. He had obviously sent all the archive files to Mycroft and stopped the information from downloading at the Blackwood Headquarters. You could hear his footsteps clamoring up the stairs.

"Ten seconds," Sherlock muttered as a line from Mycroft's helicopter was sent down for both of you.

"Sherlock-" you said harshly, grabbing him by his harness and clipping him to the line. He did the same for you, making sure you were secure before the pilot started pulling away from the building.

Your feet left the building right as the frame rumbled and the roof cracked. Dust flew into the air. The helicopter was rising while hauling the line up, trying to get away from the explosion that would surely follow.

Instantly, a burst of heat hit you and Sherlock. Flames shot into the sky followed by a series of loud bangs. You and Sherlock were hit by the blaze and the cord supporting you groaned with the temperature change.

You gasped as the fire subsided. However, Sherlock's eyes were locked on the cord. It was fraying... You two were swaying dangerously as the wires continued to snap.

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