Fears- 10th Doctor

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Your heart was pounding in your chest, hammering against your rib cage. Even as a companion of the doctor, you've never been so scared. You were just going to your archery meet when somehow you found yourself facing down a Stone Angel.

The Doctor froze and told you that the file the girl named 'Sally Sparrow' gave to you probably had something to do with this.

"Don't blink, y/n." The Doctor grabbed your hand. "Don't even blink. You don't know what it's going to do to us."

"Can we escape it?" you asked, voice wavering. Contrary to his belief, you did know what the angel was going to do to you. You never told the Doctor, but when you were little, one of these statues had appeared in your yard.

Being just a girl you were fascinated! You pretended that the angel was your friend, she looked so sad, and you had pretend adventures with her to try and cheer her up. You loved it that you always found her in a new location each morning, but when you showed your mother, her face paled. You didn't understand why until you turned your back, leaving your mom with the angel. There was then a noise that resembled a twig snapping, you turned around to see the angel holding your mother in a head lock.

"Don't blink!" your mother cried. "Please, y/n."

But you were scared, tears watered in your eyes as you saw your mother try to escape. Despite the tears, your eyes burned. And you blinked.

You opened your eyes to see the angel, fangs bared, right in front of you. To the side your mother lay dead. Your father then ran out, staring at the angel and took you away, keeping the gaze.

You moved far away and never saw any of the angels again.

Until now.

"Keep calm, y/n," the Doctor spoke, but a tear dripped down your cheek. You started shaking uncontrollably. "And no, we can't escape it."

"D-Doctor, it's going to kill us." More and more tears came, reliving the memory was too much. It was your fault! It was your fault that your mother was dead! Now, you were probably going to kill the Doctor.

"You don't know that." He gave your hand a squeeze and instructed you to start walking backwards.

"They killed my mother," you finally admitted. You kept walking backwards until you hit something cold. Something that wasn't there before. Instantly, harsh hands wrapped around your neck.

You had walked into an angel! You looked down at the arm around your neck and cried out a little bit, warning the Doctor. Mistakenly, he turned to look at you, taking his eyes of the first angel.

There was a loud snap then he was gone.

"Doctor?" you called out. There was no reply. You weren't looking at the other angel...

With another loud crack you hit a floor.

But, you weren't dead. You hoisted yourself up to lock eyes with the Doctor. He ran towards you and wrapped you into a hug.

"You never told me about your mother," he whispered, you nestled into his shoulder.

"The memory hurt too much, it was my fault she was-" You sighed and hung your head in shame. "I'm sorry, Doctor, if I hadn't distracted you-"

"You are not worthless, y/n, I know what you are going to say."

"They could have killed you like they did with my mother!" Fresh tears pricked at the corner of your eyes.

"This was going to happen anyways, now lets try to find a way to solve it." The Doctor opened Sally's file. "And I think I know how."

You sighed and listened to every word the Doctor said, you helped him get access to the video and found the house Sally would be in. You left her a note and signed 'The Doctor.'

"Know, all we do is wait." The Doctor sat down next to you.

"All we do is wait," you repeated.

Within a couple hours, you heard the familiar noise of the TARDIS and the Doctor stood up right as the blue box materialized in front of you.

"Looks like Sally Sparrow did it." The Doctor opened the door and stepped in. "Your mother would be proud, y/n."

You lowered your gaze. You still felt like a worthless addition to the Doctor, you loved him and couldn't bear to let him down.

"I'm serious, you did great. You recovered quickly to face your fear. Everybody has their good and bad days, everybody has memories that they want to forget. But we fixed it! You had so much courage helping me- you have so much courage to be with me. That's what I love about you-" The Doctor paused abruptly. He stuttered, "That's what I love about my companions."

You looked up to see the Doctor coming towards you. He put a hand under your chin, gently titling your head up so you could look him in the eye.

"Everybody has a weakness. If we see them again, you can tell them who's boss."

"Thank you, Doctor," you whispered. Then he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. Shock radiated through your bones but you melted into it. You kissed back and, without fear, closed your eyes. The Doctor gently pulled away.

"Where should we go?" he asked.

"How about Barcelona?" And you shared a smile.

"Not the place, but the planet," he finished then raced off to the controls, grinning like a madman.

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