Sacrifice- 10th Doctor

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Sorry for not updating for so long, I've been busy with my other book 'Supernatural Preferences and Imagines.'

You had gotten used to the feeling as the TARDIS wheezed to life and the ground rumbled from underneath you, how you would lunge at the nearest railing and look over to The Doctor as he wore the biggest smile and danced around the controls.

You loved the excitement that whenever the doors of the blue box opened, you saw something new. You would step outside and take it all in, whatever planet you were on. Time you were in.

The Doctor would grab your hand, a simple gesture, and talk endlessly about all the facts he knew about the place.

What was the tallest building? How often did it snow? What was the current population?

He knew it all, and you didn't mind listening to him rambling on like a child. As long as he was happy, you were.

"Here we are!" he shouted with glee, shoving the TARDIS doors open. "Tatooine."

You looked past him to see a desert place, filled with structures built of compressed sand.

"Tatooine," you scoffed. "Like from Star Wars?"

"Actually," the Doctor turned back to you, his brown eyes round like an excited puppy, "the home of Luke Skywalker was indeed based off of this planet. I had a talk with the movie makers during production and had them design the set so it accurately resembled the planet. I figured if I didn't, some 'aliens' would be angered at the mistake."

"So, whoever wrote Star Wars actually put in real planet names? And aliens watch our movies?!"

"Indeed, come along Y/n." He extended a hand, which you happily took and you two walked outside. The Doctor spoke about many things while kicking up sand with his converse. He guided you down some stairs to an underground city. "-of course the set makers got some things wrong, I could've taken them here but-" He paused and looked around.

You frowned and followed suit.

"Y/n," he spoke softly. "What looks wrong to you?"

"What do you mean?" you asked in response.

"Walking into a city, name a couple things you would see." The Doctor didn't take his gaze off from the underground sand city. You took a second to think.

"I suppose that, in a city, you would see buildings and streets. Maybe a couple cars and people-" You broke off from your sentence, realizing what was wrong. "Where is everyone?"

"I was thinking the same." The Doctor reached into his pocket and pulled out his trusty sonic screwdriver. You looked at the Timelord as he scanned the surroundings, turning in a circle, the buzzing sound echoing down the abandoned streets.

"Doctor-" you warned.

"There's people here," he said, seeming to not have heard your comment. "Three of them."

"Doctor, I don't think it's safe."

"It's definitely not safe," he whispered, "but we should look around." He ran off and turned around a corner. You knit your eyebrows together and let out a huff, deciding to follow him.

You broke off at a sprint and turned the same corner he did, but you didn't see the Doctor anywhere.

"Doctor?" you called, slowing down a bit, turning random corners with a hope that maybe you would see him running down an alleyway or something. "You were too tied up with your doubt that you had to loose the Doctor," you grumbled, walking towards a large building.

The Doctor always found you anyways, but high ground would make for a good look-out.

You were too caught up with your thoughts that when a pair of hands grabbed you and dragged you backwards, you let out a scream. You were pulled through a doorway into a dimly lit room. The hands loosened their grip around your arm and you jerked away.

"Who are you?" you snapped, turning on your heel to meet the gaze of your captor, but it was the gaze of a young woman. Dark hair fell past her shoulders and two children lay asleep in a corner.

"You have to help me!" she begged, tears streaming down her cheeks, clearing away dirt. She went into a frenzy of coughs.

"Okay, okay." You took a step forwards, thinking that these were the people the screwdriver picked up. "Tell me what's wrong? Just talk to me. What's your name?"

"Crystalyn Cinn, these are my children; Lesa and Tolth," she sniffled and let out a little cough. "Their father was murdered by those evil-" she shook her head and broke down sobbing.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. I'm Y/n, I'm here to help. I came with a brilliant man named the Doctor, he's going to save you. But you need to tell me who killed your husband." You reached out and grabbed her shoulder, she looked up at you with frightened eyes.

"Daleks," she spoke quietly.

As if on cue, you heard the faint mechanical voice of a dalek echo down the streets. The children stirred and let out muffled cries.

"Get my children to safety," Crystalyn begged once more. "I can't protect them anymore." Her body racked with heavy coughs and blood dripped from her lips. The color from her face drained and she fell, unconscious to the floor.

"Mama!" the girl, Lesa, whimpered. Cautiously you reached down and checked for a pulse, to find none.

"It's okay, it's okay," you tried to reassure the children. "Do you have any other family?"

"An aunt," Tolth spoke up, he was most likely a couple years older than his sister. Old enough to understand what was happening.

"Where is she?" you asked sternly, trying to rush an answer.

"Off planet, on a moon near Hoth." You nodded slowly, you needed to figure out a plan to get the children to the TARDIS...

"Exterminate! Exterminate!" The slow drawl of dalek voices were right outside the door. You picked up Lesa and grabbed Tolth's hand and ran to the back off the house, finding another door and running out.

"What about Mama?" Lesa wailed.

"She'll be okay," you whispered, knowing nothing you could say would be of much help. The only thing that mattered right now was getting them to safety. You rounded a couple corners, dodging the shots that whizzed past your ear. You made it out of the city and the TARDIS was in the distance.

"Y/n!" The Doctor called from behind you. He too, was being chased. He lifted his hand and snapped his fingers, the door to the blue box swung open and you dashed inside.

Setting Lesa down, she ran over to her brother and held him tight. You walked back to the door and searched for the Doctor, he was still running, but you saw another dalek to the side, getting ready to fire.

"Doctor!" you let out a shout, running out of the TARDIS and sprinting at the timelord. He gave you a questioning look and turned to make eye contact with the stray dalek.

You didn't know what you were doing, but your task was done. You had gotten Crystalyn's children to safety, but they wouldn't be with other family unless the Doctor was alive to take them there.

You thought of his smile. The things he taught you over the years.

You loved him.

A single shot fired through the air, you saw the Doctor's eyes widen. But he was unharmed.

You body convulsed with unmeasurable pain and you found yourself unable to move. Time slowed down, though all of this was happening in the matter of seconds. You looked to The Doctor and saw many emotions cross his old eyes.




His steps faltered once, no more. You knew that he would have to leave you, that he would have to come back for you later.

Your vision darkened and you hit the ground, dead upon impact.

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