Thunderstorms- Sherlock

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Sherlock and John were on a case. Without you. You flopped down onto the couch and decided that you had nothing better to do than sulk and be bored. Mrs. Hudson was busy. The yellow smiley face on the wall and too many bullet holes to do target practices... There was just nothing to do!

Getting up and walking over to the window you stared down at the streets. It was autumn and  dark, puffy clouds loomed in the sky. Looking at the leaves moving across the street you could tell that there was a light breeze coming from the North, signalling colder weather to come.

You grabbed your jacket and one of Sherlock's scarves, then pulled on some converse. Quickly you grabbed a pen and some paper and scribbled a note.

Going for walk, be back later. -(initials)

You taped the note on the door for Mrs. Hudson to see, she would probably be back before Sherlock. You clomped down the stairs and swung the door open and closed it behind you. A walk was your best option for entertainment. 

Walking down the street, you started to feel relaxed. Your breath billowed out in white puffs of condensation. When you were little, you and your friends pretended you were smoking, trying to act cool.

You smiled to yourself, you were repulsed by the thought of smoking, though. You remembered when you had found Sherlock's secret spot for his cigarettes and threw the pack into the trash. Sherlock was mad, of course, but at least he was over smoking.

For now.

Above you the clouds thickened. There would probably be some rain later, you would just have to cut your walk shorter.

Glancing around, you admired the scattered trees around London. Their leaves were vibrant colors of orange, red, and yellow. You loved this time of the year, even if there were a lot of tourists. You eventually lost track of time and didn't notice the streets growing darker. 

Little droplets started falling from the sky. People walking around scattered and started running towards their homes. You looked up to see that the clouds were definitely larger than before and menacing. Taxis pulled over to the side of the road and let some tourists hop inside.

You cursed and turned around to head back to 221B Baker Street. This wasn't going to be an ordinary storm...

The drops became fatter and a flash of lightening struck. A loud clap of thunder followed. You were running now, it seemed like the sky was dumping buckets of water on you. You were soaked and shivering and it just seemed to be getting darker and darker, except for the occasional flash of lightening.

Soon, you could barely tell the street names. You sighed and slowed down to a speed walk. Pulling your drenched jacket closer to you in the attempt to stop shivering.

You were lost. No doubt about it. The power of multiple buildings went out and power lines had collapsed under the wind. You didn't know where to go.

A street sign groaned and the pole collapsed right in front of you. Out of surprise, you screamed.

"Y/n!" you heard a distant voice call.

"Sherlock?!" you shouted back. You remembered that you left your mobile phone back at the flat.

"Y/n?" It called again, you turned towards the sound and started running to it. Soon a lone figure came into view. It was tall, definitely wearing a trench coat and it had an umbrella.

"Sherlock," you whispered, relief washing over you. Sherlock ran over to you and you soon heard the patter of raindrops over the umbrella that the wind threatened to sweep away.

"Y/n, what are you doing out here?" There was concern in Sherlock's voice as he draped his trench coat over you.

"I was taking a walk," you said trying to get your teeth to stop chattering, "lost track of time. Then I go lost and didn't have my cell-"

"Oh, you're so silly." He put an arm around your waist and started escorting you down the street. "I came home and you were gone, Mrs. Hudson said you went for a walk, but when it started raining I go worried- you've been out here for nearly an hour!"

You pushed some of your dripping hair out of your face. "Thank you for looking for me."

Sherlock stopped and faced you. "What it would do to me if I didn't find you and you didn't come home." You looked up and met his blue eyes. Slowly, he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours, instantly filling you with warmth. You melted under his touch and deepened the kiss. You would never be able to get used that. You were interrupted with a loud rumble of thunder. "Let's get you home and warmed up." He gave you a soft smile. You nodded, unable to speak.

"Oh my god, Y/n!" Mrs. Hudson ran over to you. "Go take a shower, I can start making you some tea!"

You gave her a grateful smile and walked up the stairs, accompanied by Sherlock. Once you reached the door to the bathroom he stopped.

"I will get your favorite movie turned on for you."

"Guardians of the Galaxy?"

He nodded. You smiled and lean up on your toes, giving him one last kiss before retreating to the warmth of the shower.

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