Head Over Heels - Justin Bieber Love Story:38:

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I keep forgetting to add the song I want to for the chapter!!!

So the song for this one is:

Tell Me - Carly Rae Jepsen

if you want look up the song before you start reading:)

You gotta vote! And COMMENT! I absolutely love the comments!

This is the 2nd to last chapter before the Epilogue:)



Thanksgiving Day

1:22 PM

"Hey!" I opened the door and Justin stepped inside with his mom. He hugged me, and then kissed me shortly after.

"Hey, smells good." He smiled.

"Good." He took my hand and I led him into the living room. I squeezed his hand, seeing his face change. "Don't worry."

"I'm not." He lied. I laughed and then smiled at my family. Savannah and Erikka had come this year too.

"It's about time I meet this kid." Erikka smiled.

"That's my sister." I told him.

"You can tell." He smiled letting go of my hand and hugged her.

"I don't know why we haven't met yet." He said.

"Me neither." She said looking at me.

"He's here now isn't he?" I smiled.

"I guess so." She smiled back and Justin pulled away.

My mom's brother sat down on the couch with my cousin Luke who was a year older than me and Justin. They looked up as Justin pulled away from Erikka, both of their gazes looking at Justin.

"Uncle Tom, Luke, this is my boyfriend, Justin."

"Hey." Justin smiled and my uncle shook his hand.

"Hey Justin. Firm handshake, I like it." Uncle Tom nodded in approval.

"Thanks." Justin laughed nervously.

"Nice to meet you." Luke stood up and shook his hand too.

"You too." Justin still smiled and after dropping his hand, I put my hand around his arm.

"My grandparents are in the kitchen." I told him.

"Ok." He nodded and I kissed his cheek.

"See, you're fine." I whispered walking with him towards the kitchen.

"We don't know yet." We walked in and I saw my mom with Ms. Pattie beside her, my grandparents sitting at the table.

"There he is! I've heard so much about you! Good things!" My grandmother stood up and I let go of his hand letting her hug him.

"Well I wouldn't want you to hear bad things." He chuckled.

My grandmother really wasn't that old, my mom had me when she was 18, and my grandma was 39 at the time, making her 56 now and my grandfather was 58.

"Not in this family." My mom chimed. "How have you been Justin?"

"I've been pretty good. How about you Ms. Renee?"

"Great." She smiled and looked at Marc. It still weirded me out.

Justin took my hand.

Head Over Heels:Broken Fall:Book One: Justin Bieber Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now