Chapter 28:

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I entered the park and i saw Austin sat there on the swings on one side of the park but then i saw Justin on the other side of the park. He was sat with Chaz and Vanessa i think. 

"Hey Baby" Austin said as i sat on one of the swings. 

"Hey.." I said awkwardly. 

"Why were you so late?" Austin asked rocking on the swing. 

"I fell asleep, im sorry" I said glancing over at Justin. 

"Why are you looking at that ass hole, why is he even here, did you tell him to come?" Austin asked aggressively. 

"What? No..." I said frowning. 

"Good, cause he hurt you remember..." Austin said. 

I was so confused i didn't know who to believe. The both sounded so convincing. I started to break down. 

"I keep being told things from different people and i just wish i had my memory back, i just want to remember everything" I cried as Austin stood up and carressed me. 

I burried my head into his neck. It felt wrong but he was the only that was there so yeah. I slowly lifted my head and i was inches away from Austin. I opened my eyes and looked. I SAW JUSTIN. 

I took a step back and then looked to see if Justin was still on the other side of the park, he was and he was giving me a weird look. I looked back at Austin and he was normal again. 

I gulped as Justin and Austin started to walk towards me. I panicked and screamed making them look at me. I stumbled onto the floor as my vision became blurry and i started to remember random things. I saw Austin and Justin fighting, for some reaosn, then i saw Justin sat on that chair again at school smirking at me. 

I shut my eyes as tears streamed down my face. 



"Hello, are you okay?"

"Are okay Ariana?"

Thats all i could here and then i blacked out....

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